Dangerous Citizens

Dangerous Citizens

The Greek Left and the Terror of the State

  • Author: Panourgiá, Neni
  • Publisher: Fordham University Press
  • ISBN: 9780823229673
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780823237531
  • eISBN Epub: 9780823229697
  • Place of publication:  New York , United States
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Year of digital publication: 2009
  • Month: August
  • Language: English

This book simultaneously tells a story—or rather, stories—and a history. The stories are those of Greek Leftists as paradigmatic figures of abjection, given that between 1929 and 1974 tens of thousands of Greek dissidents were detained and tortured in prisons, places of exile, and concentration camps. They were sometimes held for decades, in subhuman conditions of toil and deprivation.

The history is that of how the Greek Left was constituted by the Greek state as a zone of danger. Legislation put in place in the early twentieth century postulated this zone. Once the zone was created, there was always the possibility—which came to be a horrific reality after the Greek Civil War of 1946 to 1949—that the state would populate it with its own citizens. Indeed, the Greek state started to do so in 1929, by identifying ever-increasing numbers of citizens as “Leftists” and persecuting them with means extending from indefinite detention to execution.

In a striking departure from conventional treatments, Neni Panourgiá places the Civil War in a larger historical context, within ruptures that have marked Greek society for centuries. She begins the story in 1929, when the Greek state set up numerous exile camps on isolated islands in the Greek archipelago. The legal justification for these camps drew upon laws reaching back to 1871—originally directed at controlling “brigands”—that allowed the death penalty for those accused and the banishment of their family members and anyone helping to conceal them. She ends with the 2004 trial of the Revolutionary Organization 17 November.

Drawing on years of fieldwork, Panourgiá uses ethnographic interviews, archival material, unpublished personal narratives, and memoirs of political prisoners and dissidents to piece together the various microhistories of a generation, stories that reveal how the modern Greek citizen was created as a fraught political subject.

Her book does more than give voice to feelings and experiences suppressed for decades. It establishes a history for the notion of indefinite detention that appeared as a legal innovation with the Bush administration. Part of its roots, Panourgiá shows, lie in the laboratory that Greece provided for neo-colonialism after the Truman Doctrine and under the Marshall Plan.

  • Contents
  • Illustrations
  • Preface
  • From Now On ...
  • A Note on Parerga
  • A Note on Transliteration
  • Abbreviations
  • 1. 1963–2008: History, Microhistory, Metahistory, Ethnography
    • The Bookseller
    • Flesh and Light You Breathed into the Golden Rocks
    • Asinen te
    • (Speaking of Method)
    • So, “What Is a Camp,” Indeed?
    • Hyper-legality
    • Sunset
  • 2. 1936–1944: The Metaxas Dictatorship, the Italian Attack, the German Invasion, German Occupation, Resistance
    • Epitaphios
    • Perfectly Nice People
    • Cyclades
    • Chthonic Adorations of Orthodoxies
    • And Then Came the One with the Erased Face
  • 3. 1944–1945: The Battle of Athens
    • Athens, December 3, 1944
    • Amputated Bodies ... Broken Statues, etc., etc.
    • And They Took Us to Al Dab`a
  • 4. 1945–1946: White Terror
    • I Want to Speak of the Great Silence
  • 5. 1946–1949: Emphýlios
    • One Night When the Houses Drowned under Snow
    • Witness of the Mountains
    • Human Islands
    • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
    • Someone Saw a Skylark
    • Poems Were Impaled on the Barbed Wire
    • Dachau
    • A Life (Not) to Be Lived
    • Sacrum
    • Sacrifice
    • Suicide
    • Prague 1968
    • Oedipean Humanity
    • August 29, 1949
  • 6. 1950–1967: Post–Civil War
    • Fucking Fifties
  • 7. 1967–1974: Dictatorship
    • The Red Housecoat
    • A Mistake!
  • 8. 1974–2007: After History
    • Askesis in Forgetting
    • Explosive Genealogies
    • Freud’s Remnants
    • Burn, Forest, Burn
    • Epitaph
  • Appendixes
    • 1. Chronology
    • 2. Documents
      • Document 1. A leaflet entitled Dēmokratia: Neodēmokratikê Politikê Epitheôrēsē (Democracy: Neodemocratic Political Review)
      • Document 2. “Makrónisos Holds a Hope for Greeks”
      • Document 3. A declaration of repentance
      • Document 4. An anonymous letter that made its way out of Makrónisos, entitled “Makronissos Island—the Greek Dachau”
  • Parerga
  • Works Cited
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J
    • K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W
    • X
    • Y
    • Z


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