The Ocean Reader

The Ocean Reader

History, Culture, Politics

  • Autor: Roorda, Eric Paul
  • Editor: Duke University Press
  • Colección: The World Readers
  • ISBN: 9781478006008
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781478007456
  • Lugar de publicación:  Durham , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 2020
  • Mes: Enero
  • Páginas: 544
  • Idioma: Ingles
From prehistoric times to the present, the Ocean has been used as a highway for trade, a source of food and resources, and a space for recreation and military conquest, as well as an inspiration for religion, culture, and the arts. The Ocean Reader charts humans' relationship to the Ocean, which has often been seen as a changeless space without a history. It collects familiar, forgotten, and previously unpublished texts from all corners of the world. Spanning antiquity to the present, the volume's selections cover myriad topics including the slave trade, explorers from China and the Middle East, shipwrecks and castaways, Caribbean and Somali pirates, battles and U-boats, narratives of the Ocean's origins, and the devastating effects of climate change. Containing gems of maritime writing ranging from myth, memoir, poetry, and scientific research to journalism, song lyrics, and scholarly writing, The Ocean Reader is the essential guide for all those wanting to understand the complex and long history of the Ocean that covers over 70 percent of the planet.
  • Cover
  • Contents
  • A Note on The Ocean Reader
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • I. Creation
    • The Egyptian Sea of Nun, Anonymous
    • Babylon by the Sea, Anonymous
    • Aphrodite Born from Sea Spray, Hesiod
    • Izanagi and Izanami, Japanese Sea Gods, Ō no Yasumaro
    • The Pacific Islanders’ Angry Ocean God, George Grey
    • Pele Loses Her Temper, Anonymous
    • The Hindu Ocean Gods, Edward Washburn Hopkins
    • The Finnish Sea Mother, Anonymous
    • The Sea-Creating, Rainbow-Loving Serpent God of Haiti, Joseph J. Williams
    • Did Comets Bring Water to Earth?, Kimberly M. Burtnyk
    • Before the Great Extinctions, Jean-Bernard Caron
  • II. Ancient Seas
    • The First Aussies, Fran Dorey
    • A New View of the Ainu, David H. Gremillion
    • The Surfing Chinchorro of Chile, Various authors
    • Canoes: The World’s First—and Simplest, and Most Graceful—Boats, Eric Paul Roorda
    • Pacific Island Open Ocean Navigation, David H. Lewis
    • The Earliest Seafarers in the Mediterranean and the Near East, George F. Bass
  • III. Unknown Waters
    • Chinese Voyages on the Indian Ocean, Zheng He
    • Arab Voyages on the Indian Ocean, Paul Lunde
    • A Chart of the Wet Blue Yonder, 1512, Jan ze Stobnicy
    • No Welcome for Newcomers in New Zealand, Abel Janszoon Tasman
    • The Oceanic Captain Kirk, William Reynolds
    • A Half Mile Down, William Beebe
    • Walking on the Seafloor, Sylvia Earle
    • Descent to the Deepest Deep, Jamie Condliffe
    • Rubber Duckies Navigate the Northwest Passage, Eric Paul Roorda
  • IV. Saltwater Hunt
    • Basque Whaling in the North Atlantic Ocean, Alex Aguilar
    • The Tragedy of the Mackerel, George Brown Goode
    • The Tragedy of the Menhaden, Genio C. Scott
    • The Perils of South Pacific Whaling, Nelson Cole Haley
    • The Collapse of Newfoundland Cod, Greenpeace
    • The Death of Coral Reefs, Bob Stewart
  • V. Watery Highways
    • The Maritime Silk Road, Anonymous
    • Navigating the Indian Ocean in the 1300s, Ibn Battuta
    • The Ocean: Bridge or Moat?, Benjamin W. Labaree
    • Surviving the Slave Ship, Olaudah Equiano
    • Hating the China Trade, Frederick Law Olmsted
    • About All Kinds of Ships, Mark Twain
    • Loving Cape Horn, Irving Johnson
    • “Bitter Strength”: The International “Coolie” Trade, The Chinese Cuba Commission
    • The Container Ship, Roz Hamlett
  • VI. Battlefields
    • The Epic Galley Battle of the Ancient Sea, Herodotus
    • The Crest of Islamic Sea Power, Matthew Merighi
    • Elizabethan England’s Plausibly Deniable War in the Pacific Ocean, Francis Pretty
    • The Iconic Tactic of the Age of Sail, Godfrey Basil Mundy
    • Captain Marryat’s War, Frederick Marryat
    • World War I beneath the Waves, Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim
    • The Far-Flung Battle of Midway, Office of Naval Intelligence
    • The Barents Sea, Most Dangerous Waters of World War II, Jack Bowman
    • The Unfinished Cold War at Sea, Anatoly Miranovsky
    • China Returns to the Ocean, Daniel J. Kostecka
  • VII. Piracy
    • The Sea Peoples, Shelley Wachsmann
    • Patrick and the Pirates, John Bagnell Bury
    • The Pirates of the Mediterranean, Frederic C. Lane
    • The First Pirate of the Caribbean: Christopher Columbus, Michele de Cuneo
    • American Sea Rovers, Alexander Exquemelin
    • Born to Be Hanged, Charles Johnson
    • The Dutch Pirate Admiral: Piet Hein, Jan Pieter Heije
    • The Chinese Pirate Admiral: Koxinga, Koxinga
    • Song of the Pirate, José de Espronceda
    • Somali Pirates Attack a Cruise Ship, Eric Paul Roorda
  • VIII. Shipwrecks and Castaways
    • Shipwrecked by Worms, Saved by Canoe: The Last Voyage of Columbus, Diego Méndez
    • The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Jea, John Jea
    • Pandora’s Box, Peter Heywood
    • The Real Moby-Dick, Owen Chase
    • The Castaway, Herman Melville
    • Just Keep Rowing . . . !, William Hale
    • Life of Poon, Anonymous
    • A Three-Hour Tour Becomes a Four-Month Ordeal, Anonymous
  • IX. Inspiration
    • The Asian Sea Goddess, Eric Paul Roorda
    • The Hajj by Sea, Hadji Khan and Wilfrid Sparroy
    • Durr Freedley’s “Saints of the Sea,” Anonymous
    • Missionary to Micronesia, Hiram Bingham
    • The Voyage, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    • The Northern Seas, William Howitt
    • The World below the Brine, Walt Whitman
    • Far Off-Shore, Herman Melville
    • The Ninth Wave, Ivan Aivazovsky
    • Sea Pictures, Edward Elgar
    • Voyage to Montevideo, Dino Campana
    • The Ballad of the Seawater, Federico García Lorca
  • X. Recreation
    • Surfing: A Royal Sport, Jack London
    • By the Sea, by the Sea . . . , Harold R. Atteridge
    • The Compleat Angler, Izaak Walton
    • Women and Children Next: The Family Goes to Sea, Anna Brassey
    • The First Solo Circumnavigation, Joshua Slocum
    • The Cruise, G. B. Barrows
    • The Compleat Goggler, Guy Gilpatric
    • Round the World! Journal of a Sailing Voyage—from a Teen’s Point of View, Katrina Bercaw
  • XI. Laboratory
    • The Pliny Deep, Pliny the Elder
    • Leonardo’s Notes on the Ocean, Leonardo da Vinci
    • The Discovery of the Gulf Stream, Benjamin Franklin
    • Celestial Navigation for the People, Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch
    • The Ocean and the Atmosphere, Matthew Fontaine Maury
    • Hurrah for the Dredge!, Edward Forbes
    • Return of the Fossil Fish, J. L. B. Smith
  • XII. The Endangered Ocean
    • Goodbye, Plankton, William Beebe
    • Ocean Acidification, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    • Attack of the Invasive Species!, James T. Carlton
    • The First Dead Zone, Various authors
    • The First Trash Vortex, Charles Moore
    • The Rise of Slime, Jeremy Jackson
    • The Tragic Common Home of the Ocean, Pope Francis
  • Suggestions for Further Reading
  • Acknowledgment of Copyrights and Sources
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J
    • K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q
    • R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W
    • X
    • Y
    • Z
  • Color Plates


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