D-Passage is a unique book by the world-renowned filmmaker, artist, and critical theorist Trinh T. Minh-ha. Taking as grounding forces her feature film Night Passage and installation L'Autre marche (The Other Walk), both co-created with Jean-Paul Bourdier, she discusses the impact of new technology on cinema culture and explores its effects on creative practice. Less a medium than a "way," the digital is here featured in its mobile, transformative passages. Trinh's reflections shed light on several of her major themes: temporality; transitions; transcultural encounters; ways of seeing and knowing; and the implications of the media used, the artistic practices engaged in, and the representations created. In D-Passage, form and structure, rhythm and movement, and language and imagery are inseparable. The book integrates essays, artistic statements, in-depth conversations, the script of Night Passage, movie stills, photos, and sketches.
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- I. Prelude
- Lotus Eye (Reading Miyazawa Kenji and Making Night Passage)
- D-Story, D-Film
- Miyazawa’s Spirit
- Forces and Forms: “Where the Road Is Alive”
- The Transcultural
- Time Passage
- Ship and Train of Death
- II. Script
- Night Passage (Film Script)
- III. Conversations
- A Sound Print in the Human Archive with Sidsel Nelund
- Affinities and Alliances
- Research: The Multiplicity of Now
- Work: The Movement of Exteriority and the Teacher as Hypertext
- A Multicellular, Multi-Art Event
- The Depth of Time with Alison Rowley
- Somewhere from the Middle
- Cinematic, Industrial, Digital
- Cinema Screen, Strip of Celluloid, and Electronic Train Windows
- Going into Darkness
- The Body and Technology
- Not So Cool: Eye Hears, Ear Sees
- Continuity in the Digital Passage
- Man Passenger in Women’s Time
- What’s Eons New? with Rosa Reitsamer
- A Drop of Ink: Resistance and Representation
- “Red” and “Gray” and “Inappropriate/d Other”
- The Sap That Matters
- The Labeling of . . .
- More Underdog Than the Underdog
- New Feminism?
- The Politics of Forms and Forces with Eva Hohenberger
- Prologue
- The Aesthetics of Documentary
- The Ethics of Documentary
- The Politics of Documentary
- The Technologies of Documentary
- IV. Installation
- L’Autre marche (The Other Walk)
- L’Entre-musée: The World, with Each Step with Elvan Zabunyan
- Site of Controversies: The Museum
- The Flower Step
- Light: The Other-into-Self Passage
- A Hybrid Space
- The Double Movement of Interiority and Exteriority
- The Walk Between
- Liquid Screen
- Human, Vegetal, Animal, and Mineral
- Illustrations, Filmography, and Distribution
- Index