Bourdieu and Historical Analysis

Bourdieu and Historical Analysis

  • Auteur: Gorski, Philip S.
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • Collection: Politics, History, and Culture
  • ISBN: 9780822352556
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822395430
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2013
  • Mois : Janvier
  • Pages: 432
  • DDC: 306.2
  • Langue: Anglais
The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu had a broader theoretical agenda than is generally acknowledged. Introducing this innovative collection of essays, Philip S. Gorski argues that Bourdieu's reputation as a theorist of social reproduction is the misleading result of his work's initial reception among Anglophone readers, who focused primarily on his mid-career thought. A broader view of his entire body of work reveals Bourdieu as a theorist of social transformation as well. Gorski maintains that Bourdieu was initially engaged with the question of social transformation and that the question of historical change not only never disappeared from his view, but re-emerged with great force at the end of his career.

The contributors to Bourdieu and Historical Analysis explore this expanded understanding of Bourdieu's thought and its potential contributions to analyses of large-scale social change and historical crisis. Their essays offer a primer on his concepts and methods and relate them to alternative approaches, including rational choice, Lacanian psychoanalysis, pragmatism, Latour's actor-network theory, and the "new" sociology of ideas. Several contributors examine Bourdieu's work on literature and sports. Others extend his thinking in new directions, applying it to nationalism and social policy. Taken together, the essays initiate an important conversation about Bourdieu's approach to sociohistorical change.

. Craig Calhoun, Charles Camic, Christophe Charle, Jacques Defrance, Mustafa Emirbayer, Ivan Ermakoff, Gil Eyal, Chad Alan Goldberg, Philip S. Gorski, Robert A. Nye, Erik Schneiderhan, Gisele Shapiro, George Steinmetz, David Swartz

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Bourdieu as a Theorist of Change - Philip S. Gorski
  • Part I. Situating Bourdieu
    • 1. Metaprinciples For Sociological Research in a Bourdieusian Perspective - David L. Swartz
    • 2. For The Social History Of The Present: Bourdieu as Historical Sociologist - Craig Calhoun
    • 3. Comparative and Transnational History and The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu: Historical Theory and Practice - Christophe Charle
  • Part II. Theoretical Engagements
    • 4. Rational Choice May Take Over - Ivan Ermakoff
    • 5. Toward Socioanalysis: The ‘‘Traumatic Kernel’’ Of Psychoanalysis And Neo-Bourdieusian Theory - George Steinmetz
    • 6. Dewey And Bourdieu On Democracy - Mustafa Emirbayer And Erik Schneiderhan
    • 7. Spaces Between Fields - Gil Eyal
    • 8. Bourdieu’s Two Sociologies Of Knowledge - Charles Camic
  • Part III. Historical Extensions
    • 9. T. H. Marshall Meets Pierre Bourdieu: Citizens and Paupers in The Development of The U.S. Welfare State - Chad Alan Goldberg
    • 10. Nation-Ization Struggles: A Bourdieusian Theory Of Nationalism - Philip S. Gorski
    • 11. Structural History and Crisis Analysis: The Literary Field in France During The Second World War - Gisèle Sapiro
    • 12. The Transmission Of Masculinities: The Case Of Early Modern France - Robert Nye
    • 13. The Making of A Field With Weak Autonomy: The Case of The Sports Field in France, 1895–1955 - Jacques Defrance
  • Conclusion: Bourdieusian Theory and Historical Analysis: Maps, Mechanisms, and Methods - Philip S. Gorski
  • Appendix 1. English Translations of Bourdieu’s Works
  • Appendix 2. Original Publication Dates of Bourdieu’s Monographs
  • Works Cited
  • Contributors
  • Index



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