Women Mobilizing Memory

Women Mobilizing Memory

  • Auteur: Altınay, Ayşe Gül; Contreras, María José; Hirsch, Marianne; Howard, Jean; Karaca, Banu; Solomon, Alisa
  • Éditeur: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231191845
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231549974
  • Lieu de publication:  New York , Estados Unidos
  • Année de publication électronique: 2019
  • Mois : Août
  • Langue: Anglais
Women Mobilizing Memory, a transnational exploration of the intersection of feminism, history, and memory, shows how the recollection of violent histories can generate possibilities for progressive futures. Questioning the politics of memory-making in relation to experiences of vulnerability and violence, this wide-ranging collection asks: How can memories of violence and its afterlives be mobilized for change? What strategies can disrupt and counter public forgetting? What role do the arts play in addressing the erasure of past violence from current memory and in creating new visions for future generations?

Women Mobilizing Memory emerges from a multiyear feminist collaboration bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and activists from Chile, Turkey, and the United States. The essays in this book assemble and discuss a deep archive of works that activate memory across a variety of protest cultures, ranging from seemingly minor acts of defiance to broader resistance movements. The memory practices it highlights constitute acts of repair that demand justice but do not aim at restitution. They invite the creation of alternative histories that can reconfigure painful pasts and presents. Giving voice to silenced memories and reclaiming collective memories that have been misrepresented in official narratives, Women Mobilizing Memory offers an alternative to more monumental commemorative practices. It models a new direction for memory studies and testifies to a continuing hope for an alternative future.
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Practicing Feminism, Practicing Memory, by Marianne Hirsch
  • Part I. Disrupting Sites
    • 1. Stadium Memories: The Estadio Nacional de Chile and the Reshaping of Space through Women’s Memory, by Katherine Hite and Marita Sturken
    • 2. The Metamorphosis of the Museal: From Exhibitionary to Experiential Complex and Beyond, by Andreas Huyssen
    • 3. Kara Walker: The Memory of Sugar, by Carol Becker
    • 4. Curious Steps: Mobilizing Memory Through Collective Walking and Storytelling in Istanbul, by Bürge Abiral, Ayşe Gül Altınay, Dilara Çalışkan,and Armanc Yıldız
    • 5. Pilgrimage As/Or Resistance, by Nancy Kricorian
  • Part II. Performing Protest
    • 6. Traumatic Memes, by Diana Taylor
    • 7. Memory as Encounter: The Saturday Mothers in Turkey, by Meltem Ahıska
    • 8. Aquí: Performing Mapping Practices in Santiago de Chile, by María José Contreras Lorenzini
    • 9. #NiUnaMenos (#NotOneWomanLess): Hashtag Performativity, Memory, and Direct Action against Gender Violence in Argentina, by Marcela A. Fuentes
    • 10. Mobilizing Academic Labor: The Graduate Workers of Columbia Unionization Campaign, by Andrea Crow and Alyssa Greene
    • 11. “Nobody Is Going To Let You Attend Your Own Funeral”: A Funeral for a Trans Woman and Naming the Unnamed, by Dilara Çalışkan
    • 12. Black Feminist Visions and the Politics of Healing in the Movement for Black Lives, by Deva Woodly
  • Part III. Interfering Images
    • 13. Instilling Interference: Lorie Novak’s Frequencies in Traumatic Time, by Laura Wexler
    • 14. Siting Absence: Feminist Photography, State Violence, and the Limits of Representation. by Nicole Gervasio
    • 15. Carrie Mae Weems: Rehistoricizing Visual Memory, by Deborah Willis
    • 16. “When Everything Has Been Said Before . . .”: Art, Dispossession, and the Economies of Forgetting in Turkey, by Banu Karaca
    • 17. Treasures, by Silvina Der-Meguerditchian and Marianne Hirsch
    • 18. Blank: An Attempt at a Conversation, by Susan Meiselas and Işın Önol
  • Part IV. Staging Resistance
    • 19. Interventionist Theater: Challenging Regimes of Slow Violence, by Jean E. Howard
    • 20. Making Memory: Patricia Ariza’s and Teresa Ralli’s Antígonas, by Leticia Robles-Moreno
    • 21. Theater of the Mothers: Three Political Plays by Marie NDiaye, by Noémie Ndiaye
    • 22. Who Knows Where or When?: AIDS and Theatrical Memory in Queer Time, by Alisa Solomon
  • Part V. Rewriting Lives
    • 23. El Edificio de los Chilenos (The Building of the Chileans): Heroic Memory Revisited by a Post-Revolutionary Daughter, by Milena Grass Kleiner
    • 24. Remembering “Possibility”: Postmemory and Apocalyptic Hope in Recent Turkish Coup Narratives, by Sibel Irzık
    • 25. Müfide Ferit Tek’s Aydemir Meets Neşide K. Demir, or How Women in Mourning Impede Gendered Memories of a Genocidal Past, by Hülya Adak
    • 26. Hilando en la Memoria: Weaving Songs of Resistance in Contemporary Mapuche Political Cultural Activism, by María Soledad Falabella Luco
  • List of Contributors
  • Index



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