The Practices of the Enlightenment

The Practices of the Enlightenment

Aesthetics, Authorship, and the Public

Rethinking the relationship between eighteenth-century Pietist traditions and Enlightenment thought and practice, The Practices of Enlightenment unravels the complex and often neglected religious origins of modern secular discourse. Mapping surprising routes of exchange between the religious and aesthetic writings of the period and recentering concerns of authorship and audience, this book revitalizes scholarship on the Enlightenment.

By engaging with three critical categories—aesthetics, authorship, and the public sphere—The Practices of Enlightenment illuminates the relationship between religious and aesthetic modes of reflective contemplation, autobiography and the hermeneutics of the self, and the discursive creation of the public sphere. Focusing largely on German intellectual life, this critical engagement also extends to France through Rousseau and to England through Shaftesbury. Rereading canonical works and lesser-known texts by Goethe, Lessing, and Herder, the book challenges common narratives recounting the rise of empiricist philosophy, the idea of the "sensible" individual, and the notion of the modern author as celebrity, bringing new perspective to the Enlightenment concepts of instinct, drive, genius, and the public sphere.
  • Cover Page
  • Copyright 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics - ISBN: 978-1-58110-492-9
  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Section on Pediatric Pulmonology Executive Committee
  • Editorial Board
  • American Academy of Pediatrics Reviewers
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Foundation
    • Chapter 1: Anatomy of the Lung
      • Introduction
      • Embryology of the Lungs
      • Blood Supply
      • Pulmonary Lymphatics
      • Nerve Supply
      • Gross Anatomy of the Lung
      • Mediastinum
      • Intercostal Muscles and Diaphragm
      • Key Points
      • Reference
    • Chapter 2: Pulmonary Physiology
      • Introduction
      • Gas Exchange
      • Ventilation
      • Oxygenation
      • Mechanics of Breathing
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 3: Applied Pulmonary Physiology
      • Excercise Physiology
      • High-Altitude Illness
      • Underwater Medicine
      • Near-Drowning
      • Inhalation Injury
      • Effect of Pregnancy on Pulmonary Function
      • Key Points
      • Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 4: Taking the Pulmonary History
      • Pulmonary History
      • Common Symptoms Related to the Pulmonary System
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 5: The Pulmonary Physical Examination
      • Introduction
      • Upper Airway
      • Eupnea and Dyspnea
      • Lungs and Thorax
      • Additional Examinations
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 6: Pulmonary Function Testing
      • Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
      • Spirometry
      • Reference Values
      • Lung Volumes
      • Carbon Monoxide Diffusing Capacity
      • Exercise Challenge Testing
      • Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
      • Pulse Oximetry
      • Arterial Blood Gas
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 7: Pulmonary Imaging
      • Radiation Exposure in Children
      • Imaging Approach
      • Chest Radiograph Report
      • Reading the Chest Radiograph
      • Reading the CT Scan
      • Imaging for Specific Conditions
      • Mediastinal Masses
      • References
    • Chapter 8: Bronchoscopy
      • Introduction
      • Choosing Between Flexible and Rigid Bronchoscopy
      • Indications for Bronchoscopy
      • Contraindications for Bronchoscopy
      • Pathophysiology and Clincial Features in Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
      • Diagnostic Procedures
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Allergic Conditions
    • Chapter 9: Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
      • Introduction
      • Background
      • Etiology
      • Risk Factors
      • Epidemiology
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Laboratory Studies
      • Diagnostic Criteria
      • Therapy
      • Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 10: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Epidemiology and Etiology
      • Diffferential Diagnosis and Evaluation
      • Treatment and Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 11: Eosinophilic Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Presentation
      • Diagnostic Testing
      • Pathophysiology
      • Treatment
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 12: Asthma
      • Introduction
      • Diagnosis of Asthma
      • Clinical Characterization of Asthma
      • Treatment of Asthma
      • Treating Comorbidities
      • Monitoring the Clinical Course
      • Evaluating and Managing Difficult Asthma
      • Natural History of Asthma
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Anatomical Disorders
    • Chapter 13: Congenital Abnormalities of the Upper Airway
      • Introduction
      • Assessment
      • Congenital Nasal Anomalies
      • Craniofacial Abnormalities
      • Congenital Lesions of the Tongue
      • Congenital Laryngeal Anomalies
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 14: Congenital Lung Anomalies
      • Lung Growth and Development
      • Laryngomalacia
      • Tracheobronchial Abnormalities
      • Tracheosophageal Fistula
      • Pulmonary Agenesis or Hypoplasia
      • Bronchogenic Cysts
      • Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformaton
      • Congenital Lobar Emphysema
      • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
      • Pulmonary Sequestration
      • Vascular Rings
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 15: Chest Wall and Spinal Deformities
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Methods for Assessing Chest Wall Function
      • Structural Abnormalities
      • Muscular Abnormalities
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Upper Airway Infections
    • Chapter 16: Croup, Epiglottitis, and Bacterial Tracheitis
      • Croup
      • Epiglottitis
      • Bacterial Tracheitis
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Lower Airway Infections
    • Chapter 17: Bronchiectasis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Pathophysiology
      • Evaluation
      • Management
      • Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 18: Bronchiolitis
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Pathophysiology
      • Natural History
      • Management
      • Prophylaxis
      • Hospitalization
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 19: Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Pathology
      • Etiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Diagnosis
      • Bacterial Causes of Pneumonia
      • Viral Causes of Pneumonia
      • Fungal Causes of Pneumonia
      • Management of CAP
      • Prevention of Pneumonia
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 20: The Complications of Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Parapneumonic Effusion
      • Lung Abscess
      • Necrotizing Pneumonia and Bronchopleural Fistulas
      • Pneumatocele
      • Hyponatremia
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • Recommended Resources
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
    • Chapter 21: Recurrent Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Evaluation of the Child With Recurrent Pneumonia
      • Treatment
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 22: Tuberculosis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnosis
      • Treatment of Positive TST and Negative Chest Radiograph (Latent TB)
      • Treatment of TB Disease
      • Directly Observed Therapy
      • Prognosis and When to Refer/Admit
      • Control of TB
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 23: Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Etiology
      • Diagnosis of NTM Pulmonary Disease
      • Treating NTM Infections
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
  • Noninfectious Pulmonary Disorders
    • Chapter 24: Atelectasis
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology
      • Etiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Diagnosis
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • References
    • Chapter 25: Rheumatic and Granulomatous Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Rheumatic Diseases
      • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
      • Vasculitic Diseases
      • References
    • Chapter 26: Interstitial Lung Disease
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnosis
      • Specific Diseases in Infancy
      • Prognosis
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 27: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 28: Pleural Effusion (Nonbacterial)
      • Introduction
      • Transudative Pleural Effusion
      • Exudative Pleural Effusion
      • Hemorrhagic Pleural Effusion
      • Pleural Effusion Associated with Malignancies
      • Chylous Pleural Effusion (Chylothorax)
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnostic Studies
      • Management
      • Thoracentesis
      • Management of Chylous Pleural Effusion
      • Prognosis and When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 29: Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum
      • Pneumothorax
      • Pneumomediastinum
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 30: Pulmonary Hemorrhage
      • Introduction
      • Etiology
      • General Evaluation of a Child With Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Hemoptysis
      • Imaging and Laboratory Evaluation
      • General Management
      • Causes of Hemoptysis
      • Summary
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Other Pulmonologic Issues
    • Chapter 31: Apparent Life-Threatening Events
      • Introduction
      • Diagnosis
      • Evaluation
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • AAP Policy Statements
      • Suggested Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 32: Aspiration (Foreign Body, Food, Chemical)
      • Introduction
      • Airway Foreign Body-Mechanical Obstruction
      • Massive Aspiration
      • Recurrent Small-Volume Aspiration
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 33: Lung Transplantation
      • Introduction
      • Types of Lung Transplantation
      • General Clinical Indications
      • Timing of Referral
      • Selection of Candidates for Transplantation
      • Transplant Candidate Selection Guidelines for Those With Specific Diseases
      • Evaluation of the Donor
      • Post-Transplant Management of the Pediatric Lung Transplant Recipient
      • Survival
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 34: Respiratory Disorders Associated With Obesity
      • Introduction
      • Obesity, Wheezing, and Asthma
      • Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
      • Other Conditions in Which Obesity Affects the Respiratory Tract
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 35: Functional Respiratory Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Habit Cough
      • Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)
      • Hyperventilation
      • Sighing Dyspnea (SD)
      • Functional Aspects of Asthma
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 36: Sleep-Disordered Breathing
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology of SDB, Primary Snoring, and OSA
      • Diagnosis
      • Medical and Financial Impact of OSAS
      • Sequelae of Primary Snoring
      • Pathophysiology
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
  • Genetic Disorders
    • Chapter 37: Cystic Fibrosis
      • Introduction
      • Pathogenesis
      • Clincal Features
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 38: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Other Genetic Lung Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Respiratory Defenses
      • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
      • Other Genetic Lung Diseases
      • Pulmonary Complications of Other Congenital Disorders
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 39: Respiratory Considerations in Children With Cardiac Disease
      • Introduction
      • Physiology/Pathophysiology
      • Clinical and Laboratory Findings
      • Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
      • Special Considerations for Children With Congenital Heart Disease
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 40: Lung Disease Associated With Endocrine Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Thyroid Diseases
      • Parathyroid Disorders
      • Pituitary Disorders
      • Diabetes Mellitus
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 41: Pulmonary Complications of Gastrointestinal Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)
      • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
      • Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
      • Alcohol and Its Effect on Lungs
      • Pulmonary Involvement in Liver Disease
      • Pulmonary Involvement in Pancreatic Disease
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 42: The Pulmonary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
      • Introduction
      • Acute Chest Syndrome
      • Asthma
      • Sleep-Disordered Breathing
      • Sickle-Cell Chronic Lung Disease
      • Pulmonary Hypertension
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 43: Pulmonary Manifestations of Oncologic Disease and Treatment
      • Introduction
      • Thoracic Tumors
      • Airway Tumors
      • Benign Airway Tumors
      • Malignant Airway Tumors
      • Mediastinal Tumors
      • Parenchymal Tumors
      • Chest Wall Tumors
      • Pulmonary Metastatic Lesions
      • Systemic Neoplasms Affecting the Lung
      • Leukemias
      • Lymphomas
      • Pulmonary Complications of Cancer Therapies
      • Pulmonary Complications of Stem Cell Transplantation
      • Chronic Lung Disease After HSCT
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 44: Pulmonary Complications of Immunologic Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Infectious Complications of Immunodeficiency
      • Noninfectious Pulmonary Complications of Immunodeficiency
      • Pulmonary Evaluation of the Patient With Immunodeficiency
      • Treating Pulmonary Complications in Immunodeficient Children
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 45: Pulmonary Complications of Neuromuscular Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology of Respiratory Impairment in Patients With NMDs
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Evaluation and Anticipatory Guidance
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Treating and Managing Pulmonary Disease
    • Chapter 46: Airways Clearance Techniques
      • Introduction
      • Airway Clearance Techniques
      • Upkeep and Cost Considerations
      • Selection of ACT
      • Inhaled Medications and ACT
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 47: Aerosol Delivery of Medication
      • Introduction
      • Aerosol Principles
      • Aerosol Delivery Devices
      • Choosing the Appropriate Delivery Device
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 48: Bronchodilators
      • Introduction
      • Bronchodilator Mechanisms
      • Pathophysiology and Clinical Features of Airway Obstruction
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 49: Antibiotics for Pulmonary Conditions
      • Introduction
      • Choice of Antibiotic and Dosage
      • Classes of Antibiotics
      • Adverse Reactions to Antibiotics
      • Drug Interactions
      • Acknowledgment
    • Chapter 50: Nutritional Aspects of Pulmonary Conditions
      • General Nutritional Evaluation
      • Nutritional Management of Respiratory Conditions Associated With Undernutrition
      • Nutritional Aspects of Respiratory Conditions Associated With Obesity
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 51: Oxygen Therapy
      • Pathophysiology
      • Clinical Features of Hypoxemia
      • Uses of Oxygen Therapy
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • Related AAP Policy Statements
      • Useful Web Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 52: Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Active Smoking in Childhood and Adolescence
      • Introduction
      • Prenatal Effects of Maternal Active and SHS Exposure
      • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and SHS Exposure
      • Lower Respiratory Problems and SHS Exposure
      • Otitis Media and SHS Exposure
      • Dental Caries and SHS Exposure
      • Cancer Risk and SHS Exposure
      • Cardiovascular Risk and SHS Exposure
      • Thirdhand Smoke Exposure
      • Screening for SHS Exposure
      • Anticipatory Guidance and SHS Exposure
      • Tobacco Smoking Behavior in Children and Teens
      • Anticipatory Guidance and Smoking Prevention
      • Teens Smoking Cessation and Nicotine Dependence
      • Key Points
      • Related American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statements
      • References
    • Chapter 53: Treating Tobacco Dependence
      • Importance of Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Counseling to Facilitate Smoking Cessation
      • Principles of Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Medications
      • Other Cessation Pharmacotherapy Tips
      • Treating Tobacco Dependence in Adolescents
      • "E-Cigarettes": Unapproved and Inappropriate for Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Prevention
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • Key Resources
    • Chapter 54: Home Apnea Monitoring
      • Introduction
      • Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation (CHIME) Study
      • Indications for Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • Interpretation of Home Cardiorespiratory Monitor Downloads
      • Ordering Home Cardiorespiratory Monitors
      • Family Education
      • Discontinuing Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 55: Tracheostomies
      • Introduction
      • Indications for Tracheostomy
      • Surgical Methods
      • Altered Physiology After Tracheostomy
      • Choice of Tube
      • Home Care
      • Routine Evaluation
      • Complications
      • Decannulation
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 56: Home Ventilation
      • History and Epidemiology of Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • Goals of Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • Causes of Chronic Respiratory Failure
      • Clinical Features of Chronic Respiratory Failure
      • Patient Selection for Home Ventilation
      • Economic and Payment Issues
      • Organizational Issues
      • Modes of Mechanical Ventilation
      • Equipment and Monitoring
      • Long-term Outcomes of Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J - K - L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q - R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W
    • W - Y - Z
  • Back Cover
    • Selected Content Highlights



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