Vaccines and Your Child

Vaccines and Your Child

Separating Fact from Fiction

  • Autor: Offit, Paul; Moser, Charlotte
  • Editor: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231526715
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231526715
  • Lugar de publicación:  New York , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 2011
  • Mes: Marzo
  • Idioma: Ingles
Paul A. Offit and Charlotte A. Moser answer questions about the science and safety of modern vaccines. In straightforward prose, they explain how vaccines work, how they are made, and how they are tested. Most important, they separate the real risks of vaccines from feared but unfounded risks.

Offit and Moser address parental fears that children may receive too many vaccines too early, that the HPV vaccine may cause chronic fatigue or other dangerous side effects, that additives and preservatives in vaccines cause autism, and that vaccines might do more harm than good. There couldn't be a better moment or more pressing need for this book, which offers honesty—instead of hype—in the quest to protect children's health.
  • Contents
  • Questions Parents Have About Vaccines
    • General
      • What are vaccines?
      • Why do we still need vaccines?
      • How do vaccines work?
      • How are vaccines made?
      • What steps do ph armaceutical companiesgo through to make vaccines?
      • Who recommends vaccines?
      • How do we know vaccines work?
      • Are vaccine-preventable diseases really that bad?
      • Isn’t it better to be naturallyinfected than immunized?
      • Are vaccines given on a one-size-fits-all schedule?
      • Is there any harm in using an alternative schedule?
      • Why can’t vaccines be combined tolessen the number of shots?
      • Why aren’t more vaccines given by mouth?
      • Can I avoid vaccines by living a healthy lifestyle?
      • Why should I trust a system that makes money for drug companies?
      • Should vaccines be mandated?
      • Is it my social responsibility to get vaccines?
    • Safety
      • Are vaccines safe?
      • How do I know if a problem is caused by vaccines?
      • What systems are in place to ensure that vaccines are safe?
      • How do we know that different vaccines can be given at the same time?
      • Do too many vaccines overwhelm the immune system?
      • Do too many vaccines weaken the immune system?
      • Do too many vaccines cause chronic diseases?
      • Do vaccines cause autism?
      • Do vaccines cause allergies and asthma?
      • Do vaccines cause cancer?
      • Do vaccines cause diabetes?
      • Do vaccines cause mad cow disease?
      • Do vaccines cause multiple sclerosis?
      • Do vaccines cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?
      • Are there “hot lots” of vaccines?
      • Is the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) a good way to tell whether a vaccine is harmful?
      • Are package inserts useful?
      • How do I sort out good from bad information about vaccines?
    • Ingredients
      • Do vaccines contain products to which children could be allergic?
      • Do vaccines contain harmful preservatives like mercury?
      • Do vaccines contain harmful adjuvants like aluminum?
      • Do vaccines contain harmful chemicals like formaldehyde?
      • Do vaccines contain ether or antifreeze?
      • Are vaccines made using aborted fetal cells?
      • Do vaccines contain products from animals?
    • Practical Considerations
      • How do I deal with my child’s fear of shots?
      • What can I do to make the vaccine visit less stressful?
      • Who shouldn’t get vaccines?
      • Can I vaccinate my child if he is ill?
      • Can I vaccinate my premature baby?
      • Can I vaccinate my child if he’s taking steroids?
      • Can I receive a vaccine if I’m pregnant?
      • Can I vaccinate my child if I’m breastfeeding?
      • What if my child inadvertently gets an extra dose of vaccine?
      • What if my child inadvertently misses a dose of vaccine?
      • Can I vaccinate my child if someone inthe home is immune compromised?
      • Do vaccines given in countries from wh ichchildren are adopted still count?
  • Individual Vaccines
    • Vaccines in the First Year of Life
      • Hepatitis B
      • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
      • Pneumococcus
      • Rotavirus
      • Haemophilus Influenzaetype B (Hib)
      • Polio
      • Influenza
    • Vaccines in the Second Year of Life
      • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
      • Chickenpox
      • Hepatitis A
    • Vaccines forAdolescents and Teens
      • Meningococcus
      • Human Papillomavirus
    • The Vaccine Schedule
      • Vaccine Schedule and Combination Vaccines
      • Why This Schedule?
      • Changes to the Schedule
      • Catch-up Schedule
  • Appendices
    • Vaccine Records
    • A Note About Registries
  • Selected Reading
  • About the Authors
  • Index


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