Historical Records of the Five Dynasties

Historical Records of the Five Dynasties

  • Autor: Ouyang, Xiu; Davis, Richard
  • Editor: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231128261
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231502283
  • Lugar de publicación:  New York , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 2004
  • Mes: Marzo
  • Idioma: Ingles
Only fragments of historical text from China's middle period have been translated into English, until now. Here at last is the first major Chinese historical work from the Song dynasty. Written by Ouyang Xiu, an intellectual giant of the eleventh century, this is a history of the preceding century (907–979), a period known as the Five Dynasties.

The historical and literary significance of Ouyang's achievement cannot be underestimated. In rewriting the existing official history of the Five Dynasties, Ouyang—whose own time was characterized by extraordinary intellectual and political innovation—made several notable decisions. He rewrote the history in the "ancient" style preferred by forward-thinking literati; he even rewrote the original documents quoted within biographies. He also relied on his own moral categories, reevaluating the worth of the historical figures in light of his own convictions that individuals should take personal responsibility for the fate of society. Ouyang's history would eventually become the official version—the last state-sanctioned dynastic history of imperial China to be written by an individual in a private capacity. In addition to its provocative insights and lucid presentation, Historical Records of the Five Dynasties is an eloquent statement on the art of historical writing in the eleventh century.

A preeminent scholar of Chinese history, Richard L. Davis has provided a thorough introduction and rendered nearly two-thirds of the Chinese original into English, including complete sections critical to understanding the politics and personalities of the time. Biographical clusters based on Ouyang's moral categories also appear in full, helping readers to appreciate the Confucian agenda that informs the work.
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Maps
  • Rulers of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
  • Chronology of Events in the Five Dynasties
  • Major District Commands of the Five Dynasties
  • Introduction
    • The Text
    • The Times
    • Defense and Security
    • Confucian Ethics
    • A Note on the Translation
  • 1. Annals 1: Basic Annals of Liang
  • 2. Annals II: Basic Annals of Liang
  • 3. Annals III: Basic Annals of Liang
  • 4. Annals IV: Basic Annals of Tang
  • 5. Annals V: Basic Annals of Tang
  • 6. Annals VI: Basic Annals of Tang
  • 7. Analls VII: Basic Annals of Tang
  • 8. Annals VIII: Basic Annals of Jin
  • 9. Annals IX: Basic Annals of Jin
  • 10. Annals X: Basic Annals of Han
  • 11. Annals XI: Basic Annals of Zhou
  • 12. Annals XII: Basic Annals of Zhou
  • 13. Biographies of The Royal Families: Liang
  • 14. Biographies of the Royal Families: Taizu of Tang
  • 15. Biographies of the Royal Families: Mingzong of Tang
  • 16. Biographies of the Royal Families: Emperor Fei of Tang
  • 17. Biographies of the Royal Families: Jin
  • 18. Biographies of the Royal Families: Han
  • 19. Biographies of the Royal Families: Taizu of Zhou
  • 20. Biographies of the Royal Families: Shizong of Zhou
  • 21-23. Biographies of Liang Subjects
  • 24-28. Biographies of Tang Subjects
  • 29. Biographies of Jin Subjects
  • 30. Biographies of Han Subjects
  • 31. Biographies of Zhou Subjects
  • 32. Biographies of Martyrs to Virtue
  • 33. Biographies of Martyrs in Service
  • 35. Biographies of Six Courtiers of Tang
  • 36. Biographies of Righteous Sons
  • 37. Biographies of Court Musicians and Actors
  • 38. Biographies of Eunuchs
  • 39. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 40-41. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 42-43. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 44-45. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 46-47. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 48-50. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 51-53. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 54 - 55. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 56-57. Miscellaneous Biographies
  • 61. Hereditary House of Wu
  • 62. Hereditary House of Southern Tang
  • 63. Hereditary House of Former Shu
  • 65. Hereditary House of Southern Han
  • 66. Hereditary House of Chu
  • 67. Hereditary House of Wu/Yue
  • 68. Hereditary House of Min
  • 69. Hereditary House of Nanping
  • 70. Hereditary House of Eastern Han
  • Notes
  • Offices of the Five Dynasties
  • Prefectures Cited
  • Biographical Entries
  • Works Cited
  • Index



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