Current issues on Human Rights

Current issues on Human Rights

  • Auteur: Lazarski, Christopher; García Cívico, Jesús; Sungurov, Alexander (eds.)
  • Éditeur: Dykinson
  • ISBN: 9788413245522
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788413245959
  • Lieu de publication:  Madrid , Spain
  • Année de publication: 2019
  • Pages: 346

he 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights was a good reason to reflect. Nowadays, there is certainambiguity as to whether human rights are a moral, political orlegal concept. What are the specific consequences of enforcing rightsin these particular classifications. United Nations’ bodies defend theuniversality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, butthere is no unanimous agreement with these characteristics.On 23-24 May 2019, a human rights symposium, entitled “Currentissues on human rights”, was held at Carlos III University, GetafeCampus. 30 scholars with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertisecame from 13 countries, spread across 4 continents. This book includessome of the interventions in that human rights symposium, whichwas organised by the Research Committee 26 on human rights of theInternational Political Science Association -IPSA-, the Department ofInternational and Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law and thehuman rights Institute Bartolomé de las Casas of Carlos III Universityof Madrid.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Índice
  • Current issues on human rights The Editors
  • Scientific aspects of the udhr as a cultural milestone Jesùs Garcia Cìvico
  • Human rights in history: civic rights and the ‘rights of man,’ the predecessors of human rights Christopher Lazarski
  • Constitutional impunity: how U.S. courts are breaking the promise of universal human rights, a comparative analysis Jeffrey Davis
  • Research, education and promotion of human rights universality: responsibility of academicians Alexander Sungurov
  • Trustworthy artificial intelligence and human rights Migle Laukyte
  • The right to freedom of opinion and expression in the universal declaration of human rights - a contemporary perspective Jedrzej Skrzypczak
  • How can the internet change human rights on online hate speech regulations? Oscar Pèrez de la Fuente
  • Glorification of terrorist acts and protection of freedom of expression in spain: last developments Andrès Gascón Cuenca
  • Social rights in europe and free platform work Andrzej Marian Swiatkowski
  • The effectiveness of budget public hearings in the definition of priorities in public policies for the concretization of social rights Reginaldo da Motta Corrêa de Mmelo Junior Herena Neves Maués Corrêa de Melo
  • Do the same-sex couples have the right to marry under the rules of the universal declaration of human rights and the constitution of republic of poland from 1997? Tomasz Litwin
  • Human rights behind bars. paying a debt that keeps on growing Pablo Sartorio
  • The ineffectiveness of the constitutional amendment number 81/2014 and the deconstruction of the foundations of contemporary slavery labor in brazil Herena Neves Maués Corrêa de Melo
  • Limitation of political rights. the case of the first democratic election in portugal (1975) Joana Rebelo Morais
  • Nationalism, pluralism and minorities in spain: the case of catalonia Carlos R Fernandez Liesa
  • Human rights, self-determination of peoples and secession Helena Torroja Mateu
  • Catalonia: Is the holding of a referendum to decide on the secession of a territory in accordance with international law?. The effects of the recognition of states Víctor C. Pascual Planchuelo
  • Ethnical identity and recognition between colonial and post-colonial rights Monique Falcão
  • The (possible) role of ombuds in implementation of sustainable development goals 2030: case of russia in the biopolitical field of gender equity Tatiana Barandova
  • Climate change and sustainable development: facing present challenges and working towards goals and the future Veronica Reda
  • Unaccompanied migrant minors: Vulnerable and voiceless Patrizia Rinaldi
  • The (un)protection of internally displaced persons under the global compact on refugees Alfredo dos Santos Soares
  • The global compact for migration agreement and the principle of universality of human rights: the gender perspective Giuseppe Matteo Pezzullo
  • The securitization of migration in united states. Human rights violations of irregular immigrants Karen García Curiel
  • CV of participants



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