Hispanisms and Homosexualities

Hispanisms and Homosexualities

  • Auteur: Molloy, Sylvia; Irwin, Robert McKee
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • Collection: Series Q
  • ISBN: 9780822321811
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822399957
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 1998
  • Mois : Octobre
  • Pages: 336
  • DDC: 860.9/353
  • Langue: Anglais
A man masquerading as a lesbian in Spain’s Golden Age fiction. A hermaphrodite’s encounters with the Spanish Inquisition. Debates about virility in the national literature of postrevolutionary Mexico. The work of contemporary artists Reinaldo Arenas, Severo Sarduy, and María Luisa Bemberg. The public persona of Pedro Zamora, former star of MTV’s The Real World. Despite an enduring queer presence in Hispanic literatures and cultures, most scholars have avoided the specter of sexual dissidence in the Spanish-speaking world.
In Hispanisms and Homosexualities, editors Sylvia Molloy and Robert Irwin bring together a group of essays that advance Hispanic studies and gay and lesbian studies by calling into question what is meant by the words Hispanic and homosexual. The fourteen contributors to this volume not only offer queer readings of Spanish and Latin American texts and performances, they also undermine a univocal sense of homosexual identities and practices. Taking on formations of national identity and sexuality; the politics of visibility and outing; the intersections of race, sexuality, and imperial discourse; the status of transvestism and posing; and a postmodern aesthetic of camp and kitsch, these essays from both established and emerging scholars provide a more complex and nuanced view of related issues involving nationality, ethnicity, and sexuality in the Hispanic world.
Hispanisms and Homosexualities offers the most sophisticated critical and theoretical work to date in Hispanic and queer studies. It will be an essential text for all those engaged with the complexities of ethnic, cultural, and sexual subjectivities.

Contributors. Daniel Balderston, Emilie Bergmann, Israel Burshatin, Brad Epps, Mary S. Gossy, Robert Irwin, Agnes I. Lugo-Ortiz, Sylvia Molloy, Oscar Montero, José Esteban Muñoz, José Quiroga, Rubén Ríos Avila, B. Sifuentes Jáuregui, Paul Julian Smith

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction - Sylvia Molloy and Robert McKee Irwin
  • I. Gender at Loss
    • Interrogating Hermaphroditism in Sixteenth-Century Spain - Israel Burshatin
    • Skirting the Question: Lesbians and María de Zayas - Mary S. Gossy
    • The Legend of Jorge Cuesta: The Perils of Alchemy and the Paranoia of Gender - Robert McKee Irwin
  • II. Nationalism and Desire
    • Poetry, Revolution, Homophobia: Polemics from the Mexican Revolution - Daniel Balderston
    • Nationalism, Male Anxiety, and the Lesbian Body in Puerto Rican Narrative - Agnes I. Lugo-Ortiz
    • Caribbean Dislocations: Arenas and Ramos Otero in New York - Rubén Ríos Avila
  • III. Queers and/in Performance
    • The Swishing of Gender: Homographetic Marks in Lazarillo de Tormes - B. Sifuentes Jáuregui
    • The Politics of Posing - Sylvia Molloy
    • The Signifying Queen: Critical Notes from a Latino Queer - Oscar Montero
    • Pedro Zamora's Real World of Counterpublicity: Performing an Ethics of the Self - José Esteban Muñoz
  • IV. Desire and Representation
    • Sexual Terror: Identity and Fragmentation in Juan Goytisolo's Paisajes después de la batalla - Brad Epps
    • Abjection and Ambiguity: Lesbian Desire in Bemberg's Yo, la peor de todas - Emilie Bergmann
    • Cuban Homosexualities: On the Beach with Néstor Almendros and Reinaldo Arenas - Paul Julian Smith
    • Virgilio Piñera: On the Weight of the Insular Flesh - José Quiroga
  • Works Cited
  • Contributors
  • Index


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