The Bible in the Sixteenth Century

The Bible in the Sixteenth Century

  • Auteur: Steinmetz, David C.; Midelfort, H. C. Erik; Bedouelle, Guy; Hendrix, Scott; Muller, Richard; Hobbs, R. Gerald
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • Collection: Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  • ISBN: 9780822310129
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822382713
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 1990
  • Mois : Janvier
  • Pages: 272
  • DDC: 220.6/09/031
  • Langue: Anglais
A distinguished group of authors here illuminate a broad spectrum of themes in the history of biblical interpretation. Originally published in 1990, these essays take as their common ground the thesis that the intellectual and religious life of the sixteenth century cannot be understood without attention to the preoccupation of sixteenth-century humanists and theologians with the interpretation of the Bible. Topics explored include Jewish exegesis and problems of Old Testament interpretation and the relationship between the Bible and social, political, and institutional history.

Contributors. Irena Backus, Guy Bedouelle, Kalman P. Bland, Kenneth G. Hagen, Scott H. Hagen, Scott H. Hendrix, R. Gerald Hobbs, Jean-Claude Margolin, H. C. Erik Midelfort, Richard A. Muller, John B. Payne, David C. Steinmetz

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Social History and Biblical Exegesis Community, Family, and Witchcraft in Sixteenth-Century Germany
  • The Consultations of the Universities and Scholars Concerning the “Great Matter” of King Henry VIII
  • The Use of Scripture in Establishing Protestantism The Case of Urbanus Rhegius
  • Issues in Sixteenth-Century Jewish Exegesis
  • The Hermeneutic of Promise and Fulfillment in Calvin's Exegesis of the Old Testament Prophecies of the Kingdom
  • Hebraica Veritas and Traditio Apostolica Saint Paul and the Interpretation of the Psalms in the Sixteenth Century
  • Calvin in and the Patristic Exegesis of Paul
  • Erasmus on Romans 9:6–24
  • The Epistle to the Romans (Chapter II) According to the Versions and/or Commentaries of Valla, Colet, Lefevre, and Erasmus
  • Polemic, Exegetical Tradition, and Ontology Bucer’s Interpretation of John 6:52, 53, and 64 Before and After the Wittenberg C
  • “De Exegetica Methodo” Niels Hemmingsen's De Methodis (1555)
  • Notes
  • Index


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