Spain’s 1939 Exiles in the Americas and Maryland

Spain’s 1939 Exiles in the Americas and Maryland

Eighty Years, Alive in Our Hearts

Exile, a global and protean phenomenon, touched about half million Spanish Republican refugees at the end of the 1936-39 War in Spain. Contrary to Mexico’s significant sheltering, the USA mainly admitted a select group of intellectuals: notably, Zenobia Camprubí and her partner, the 1956 Nobel Prize for Literature recipient, Juan Ramón Jiménez, University of Maryland (1943-1951), Pedro Salinas (Johns Hopkins Univ.), or women like Carmen Aldecoa, or Carmen de Zulueta, who kept alive the progressive gender and education claims from the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) at other schools and universities.

Nevertheless, widely supported relief organizations and leftist publications channeled aid for the exiles, and rose antifascist awareness for US intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky. Contributions herein this volume, generated eighty years later at the University of Maryland during an international symposium (2019), throughout a continuing academic interest for this diaspora, will illuminate readers on the depth of Spanish exile studies in the Americas, and some lasting contributions from this significant group of witnesses.
  • Cover
  • Halftitle
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Table of Contents
  • Spain’s 1939 Exiles in the Americas and Maryland. Eighty Years: Alive in our Hearts
  • Transnational Spanish Exiles in Maryland and the Americas: From Zenobia Camprubí, Juan Ramón Jiménez, and Pedro Salinas to the Present
    • Remembering the Spain of the Pre-Exile: Juan Ramón Jiménez, MacKinlay Kantor and 1956
    • Forgotten Legacies: Verses from an Exile in (the) Feminine
    • Memory and Resistance in the Exile Texts of María Teresa León
    • Carmen de Zulueta: Creating and Recreating Memories as a Spanish Republican Woman through her USA Exile
    • Manuel Durán and Roberto Ruiz: Exiled Writers in the USA
    • From Max Aub to El Mazucu: The Spanish Exile and its Legacy
    • Two Visions of the United States in the Fiction of Spanish Exiles in the 1940s: Manuel de la Sota and Pedro Salinas
    • An Exiled Basque Woman in the United States: Gender and Nation in Basque Girl (1940) by Mirim Isasi
    • Juan Ramón Jiménez and Zenobia Camprubí in the USA: Between the Hard Rock of Ethics and the Wall of Aesthetics 1936-1939-1951
  • Getting there: United States Contradictions, Mexico, and Popular Resistance Mexico, the United States and the Spanish Civil War: Diplomacy, Arms and Refugees
    • USA Hispanic Women Fighting Fascist Spain: Print Culture and Activism Montse Feu
  • France: A Stepping Stone toward the Americas
    • The Spanish Republican Exile in Host Literatures, from France to the USA: A Transnational Approach
  • Film, Poetry and Music around the 1939 Spanish Refugees Portrayal of Displacement: A Spanish Civil War Film and the Propaganda Machine
    • Musical Itineraries of the 1939 Spanish Republican Exiles in the Americas “Itineraries.” From Exile to the Inner Voice
    • Eyewitnesses of Spain’s 1939 Exile in the Americas: The Privilege of Time and our Heartful Debt
    • A “Carabinero” ’s Tale of Survival: 1936-1945
    • Francesc Torres
    • Ah! Distance
    • Memorable People and Works from the New York Republican Exile in Oblivion
    • A Conversation with Noam Chomsky
  • The Contributors



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