New trends and research on digital education, technopedagogy and curriculum

New trends and research on digital education, technopedagogy and curriculum

  • Author: Torres Fernández, Cristóbal; Quadros Flores, Paula; Puig Guisado, Jaime; Serna Tuya, Juan Moisés de la
  • Publisher: Dykinson
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788411706599
  • Place of publication:  Madrid , Spain
  • Year of digital publication: 2023
  • Month: October
  • Pages: 246
  • Language: Spanish
  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. Study on the digital teaching competences of students in the Master's in Education programs at the Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto
  • Chapter 2. The challenge of initial teacher education: potentialities and weaknesses
  • Chapter 3. The potential of educational robotics for learning about the refugee theme: views from the students and the trainee teacher
  • Chapter 4. Collaborative methodology and online debate. An experience with scientific reading workshops in Higher Education
  • Chapter 5. The mind map as a collaborative strategy in higher education
  • Chapter 6. The use of digital platforms for science learning with 4th grade students: challenges, potentialities and difficulties
  • Chapter 7. The potential of digital tools in 1st CEB in Portugal: trails travelled by teachers in training
  • Chapter 8. New realities on Tourism Studies teaching: bridging the VR gap between research and practice based on empirical evidence
  • Chapter 9. Flipped classroom applied as a learning management tool in university teaching
  • Chapter 10. Didactic strategies geared towards a virtual environment in the course “biological bases of aesthetics” from the degree in technician in integrative aesthetics
  • Chapter 11. Computerised Application for Auditory and Visual Stimuli for Children with Cognitive Disabilities
  • Chapter 12. Development of Research Competencies: An ICT-mediated Teacher Education Experience
  • Chapter 13. Developing computational thinking in primary education



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