E-book on Nutrition and Well-Being Fact-Checking for Higher Education - NUTRIWELLB

E-book on Nutrition and Well-Being Fact-Checking for Higher Education - NUTRIWELLB

  • Autor: Brey, Elisa; Ezquiaga-Bravo, Ainhoa; Fernández-Muñoz, Cristóbal; García-Guardia, María Luisa
  • Editor: Dykinson
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788411706735
  • Lugar de publicación:  Madrid , España
  • Año de publicación digital: 2023
  • Mes: Octubre
  • Páginas: 116
  • Idioma: Español
  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. International framework on nutrition and fake news
    • a. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations
    • b. Recommendations from the World Health Organization
    • c. European Union
    • d. Recommendations for a global strategy based on international standards
  • 3. National legislation on nutrition and fake news (selected countries)
    • a. Germany
    • b. Italy
    • c. North Macedonia
    • d. Portugal
    • e. Spain
    • f. Recommendations for a global strategy based on national legislation
  • 4. Good practices in fact-checking of online content on nutrition and wellbeing
    • a. European fundings
    • b. Germany
    • c. Italy
    • d. North Macedonia
    • e. Portugal
    • f. Spain
    • g. Recommendations for a global strategy based on good practices
  • 5. Fact-checking of media and social media content
    • a. Nutritional literacy and food labelling
    • b. Identification of fake news and media labelling
    • c. News framing and dietary behaviour
    • d. Idealised representations and gender stereotypes in social media
    • e. Social media and eating disorders
  • 6. Fact-checking toolkit in nutrition and well-being
    • a. Questionnaire to measure fact-checking in Nutrition and Well-being
    • b. Fake news vs real information on nutrition identified through reliable sources
  • 7. Final remarks
  • 8. References
  • 9. Reviewers
  • 10. Collaborating organisations



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