Review of the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Infrastructure and Aerospace Engineering Disciplines to Meet the Needs of the Air Force and the Department of Defense

Review of the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Infrastructure and Aerospace Engineering Disciplines to Meet the Needs of the Air Force and the Department of Defense

  • Editor: National Academies Press
  • ISBN: 9780309076067
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780309510585
  • eISBN Epub: 9780309170413
  • Lugar de publicación:  Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 2001
  • Mes: Septiembre
  • Páginas: 67
  • DDC: 350
  • Idioma: Ingles

The Principal Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition requested that the National Research Council (NRC) review the Air Force's planned acquisition programs to determine if, given its scale, the highly talented scientific, technical, and engineering personnel base could be maintained, to identify issues affecting the engineering and science work force, and to identify issues affecting the aerospace industry's leadership in technology development, innovation, and product quality, as well as its ability to support Air Force missions.

  • Cover
  • Front Matter
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Science and Technology Budgets
  • 3. Work Force Issues
  • 4. Financial Health of the Aerospace Industry
  • 5. Policy, Administration, and Regulation
  • 6. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendix A: Meetings and Activities
  • Appendix B: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members


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