Tradition And Renewal In "La Gloria de Don Ramiro"

Tradition And Renewal In "La Gloria de Don Ramiro"

The first major study in English of La Gloria de don Ramiro discusses Enrique Lareta's brilliant modernista novel in relation to nineteenth century European and Spanish-American literature, and offers lucid, fresh, and challenging critical analysis of its major themes. "Excellent book. Ibieta's research is solid, well organized, well controlled, and superbly documented; it is a model of fine scholarship." -Myron I. Lichtblau, Hispanic Review. "The reader will find this a thorough and careful examination of Larreta's literary sources." -Annella McDermott, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.

  • Cover
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. La gloria de don Ramiro and the critics (1908–1985)
    • A. The first twenty-five years (1908–1933)
      • 1. Spain and Spanish America
      • 2. France
      • 3. England and the United States
      • 4. Italy
    • B. Varying perceptions (1934–1959)
    • C. Toward new perspectives (1960–1985)
    • D. Critical reportage in the literary histories
  • Chapter 2. The relation to the historical novel
    • A. European models
      • 1. La gloria and Waverley: The unhistorical hero
      • 2. La gloria and I promessi sposi: A repentant villain
      • 3. La gloria and Notre-Dame de Paris: Inexorable destiny
      • 4. La gloria and El Señor de Bembibre: Knight and hermit
      • 5. La gloria and Salammbô: The erotics of mysticism
    • B. Spanish-American echoes
      • La gloria in relation to Amalia; Enriquillo; Ismael
  • Chapter 3. The modernista aspect
    • A. European models
      • 1. La gloria and Thaïs: Ironic reversal
      • 2. La gloria and the Sonatas: A morbid religiosity
    • B. Spanish-American echoes
      • La gloria in relation to Amistad funesta; Sangre patricia
  • Chapter 4. Hagiographical elements
    • A. The living models
      • 1. Militant Christianity and the Santiago legend
      • 2. Teresa de Ávila and the mystic way: Guiomar, Aixa, Ramiro
      • 3. Why Rosa de Lima?
    • B. The literary model: La gloria and La Légende de Saint Julien I'Hospitalier
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J
    • K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q
    • R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W
    • Z