The Habermas Handbook

The Habermas Handbook

  • Auteur: Brunkhorst, Hauke; Kreide, Regina; Lafont, Cristina
  • Éditeur: Columbia University Press
  • Collection: New Directions in Critical Theory
  • ISBN: 9780231166423
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231535885
  • Lieu de publication:  New York , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2017
  • Mois : Octobre
  • Langue: Anglais
Jürgen Habermas is one of the most influential philosophers of our time. His diagnoses of contemporary society and concepts such as the public sphere, communicative rationality, and cosmopolitanism have influenced virtually all academic disciplines, spurred political debates, and shaped intellectual life in Germany and beyond for more than fifty years. In The Habermas Handbook, leading Habermas scholars elucidate his thought, providing essential insight into his key concepts, the breadth of his work, and his influence across politics, law, the social sciences, and public life.

This volume offers a comprehensive overview and an in-depth analysis of Habermas’s work in its entirety. After examining his intellectual biography, it goes on to illuminate the social and intellectual context of Habermasian thought, such as the Frankfurt School, speech-act theory, and contending theories of democracy. The Handbook provides an extensive account of Habermas’s texts, ranging from his dissertation on Schelling to his most recent writing about Europe. It illustrates the development of his thought and its frequently controversial reception while elaborating the central ideas of his work. The book also provides a glossary of key terms and concepts, making the complexity of Habermas’s thought accessible to a broad readership.
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Part I. Intellectual Biography
  • Part II. Contexts
    • 1. The Philosophy of History, Anthropology, and Marxism, by Axel Honneth
    • 2. The Frankfurt School and Social Theory, by Axel Honneth
    • 3. Constitutional Law, by William E. Scheuerman
    • 4. Pragmatism and Ultimate Justification, by Matthias Kettner
    • 5. Hermeneutics and the Linguistic Turn, by Cristina Lafont
    • 6. Speech Acts, by Peter Niesen
    • 7. Psychoanalysis, by Joel Whitebook
    • 8. Postmetaphysical Thinking, by Kenneth Baynes
    • 9. Kant, by Ingeborg Maus
    • 10. Cognitive Psychology, by Gertrud Nunner-Winkler
    • 11. The Epitome of Technocratic Consciousness, by Marcelo Neves
    • 12. Evolutionary Theories, by Klaus Eder
    • 13. Power Discourses, by Andreas Niederberger
    • 14. Juridical Discourses, by Klaus Günther
    • 15. The Theory of Democracy, by Rainer Schmalz-Bruns
    • 16. Moral and Ethical Discourses: The Distinction in General, by Georg Lohmann
    • 17. The Constitutionalization of International Law, by Jean L. Cohen
    • 18. European Constitutionalization, by Christian Joerges
    • 19. The Theory of Justice, by Regina Kreide
    • 20. Deconstruction, by Thomas Khurana
    • 21. Poststructuralism, by Amy Allen
    • 22. Feminism, by Amy R. Baehr
    • 23. Neopragmatism, by Richard J. Bernstein
    • 24. Jewish Philosophy, by Micha Brumlik
    • 25. Monotheism, by Felmon Davis
  • Part III. Texts
    • 26. Schelling, Marx, and the Philosophy of History: Das Absolute und die Geschichte: Von der Zwiespältigkeit in Schellings Denken (The Absolute and History: On Ambiguity in Schelling’s Thought, 1954), by Manfred Frank
    • 27. The Theory of the Public Sphere: The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (1962), by Nancy Fraser
    • 28. Technology and Reification: “Technology and Science as ‘Ideology’ ” (1968), by Robin Celikates and Rahel Jaeggi
    • 29. Critique of Knowledge as Social Theory: Knowledge and Human Interests (1968), by William Rehg
    • 30. Communicative Rationality: Vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (Preparatory Remarks for a Theory of Communicative Action, 1971), by Cristina Lafont
    • 31. Late Capitalism and Legitimation: Legitimation Crisis (1973), by Frank Nullmeier
    • 32. History and Evolution: Zur Rekonstruktion des Historischen Materialismus (1976), by Thomas McCarthy
    • 33. Aporias of Cultural Modernity: “Modernity—an Unfinished Project” (1980), by Christoph Menke
    • 34. Stand-In and Interpreter: “Philosophy as Stand-In and Interpreter” (1981), by Hauke Brunkhorst
    • 35. The Theory of Society: The Theory of Communicative Action (1981): A Classic of Social Theory, by David Strecker
    • 36. The Discourse Theory of Morality: “Discourse Ethics—Notes on a Program of Philosophical Justification” (1983), by Rainer Forst
    • 37. Defense of Modernity: The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (1985): Modernity as Rationalization and the Critique of Instrumental Reason, by Seyla Benhabib
    • 38. Democracy, Law, and Society: Between Facts and Norms (1992): Points of Reference: The Emergence of Political Philosophy from Theoretical Philosophy, by Christoph Möllers
    • 39. Europe, European Constitution: “Why Europe Needs a Constitution” (2001), by Andrew Arato
    • 40. Religion, Metaphysics, Freedom: “Faith and Knowledge” (2001), by Helge Høibraaten
    • 41. Human Nature and Genetic Manipulation: The Future of Human Nature (2001), by Thomas M. Schmidt
    • 42. The Constitutionalization of International Law and Politics: “Does the Constitutionalization of International Law Still Have a Chance?” (2004), by James Bohman
  • Part IV. Concepts
    • 43. Cognitive Interests, by William Rehg
    • 44. Colonization, by Mattias Iser
    • 45. Communicative Action, by Cristina Lafont
    • 46. Communicative Anthropology, by Dirk Jörke
    • 47. Conservatism, by Micha Brumlik
    • 48. Constitutions and Constitutional Patriotism, by Rainer Nickel
    • 49. Cosmopolitan Condition, by Kenneth Baynes
    • 50. Counterfactual Presuppositions, by Andreas Koller
    • 51. Deliberation, by Nicole Deitelhoff
    • 52. Discourse, by Klaus Günther
    • 53. Discourse Ethics, by Rainer Forst
    • 54. Equality, by Kenneth Baynes
    • 55. European Citizenship, by Christian Joerges
    • 56. Evolution, by Marcelo Neves
    • 57. Historical Materialism, by Martin Hartmann
    • 58. Human Rights and Human Rights, by Regina Kreide
    • 59. Ideology, by Martin Saar
    • 60. Intellectuals, by René Gabriëls
    • 61. Late Capitalism, by Frank Nullmeier
    • 62. Learning Processes, by Gertrud Nunner-Winkler
    • 63. Legal Wars Versus Legitimate Wars, by Anna Geis
    • 64. Legality, Legitimacy, and Legitimation, by Rainer Nickel
    • 65. Mass Culture and Cultural Criticism, by Gertrud Koch
    • 66. Postmetaphysical Thinking, by Georg Lohmann
    • 67. Power, by Mattias Iser
    • 68. Pragmatic Turn, by Ali M. Rizvi
    • 69. Public Sphere, by Patrizia Nanz
    • 70. Radical Reformism, by Hauke Brunkhorst
    • 71. Rational Reconstruction, by Mattias Iser
    • 72. Rationality and Rationalization, by Hauke Brunkhorst
    • 73. Social Pathology, by Martin Hartmann
    • 74. Society, by Hartmut Rosa
    • 75. System and Lifeworld, by Marcelo Neves
  • Appendix: Chronology
  • Bibliography
  • List of Contributors
  • Index


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