Trends and Challenges in Aerospace Offsets

Trends and Challenges in Aerospace Offsets

  • Autor: Wessner, Charles W.
  • Editor: National Academies Press
  • ISBN: 9780309060806
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780309524162
  • eISBN Epub: 9780309173551
  • Lugar de publicación:  Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 1999
  • Mes: Marzo
  • Páginas: 249
  • Idioma: Ingles

The granting of offsets to promote exports of major aircraft systems has been a source of significant controversy. Critics believe that offsets undermine the U.S. manufacturing base; lead to the transfer of commercial technology, possibly affecting national security; and result in the loss of high-wage jobs. Defenders of the practice argue that offsets are a fact of commercial life and can result in net U.S. job gains.

In an effort to focus the offsets debate on analytical issues, the White House National Economic Council asked the National Research Council to convene expert academicians, representatives from the aerospace industry, and top government officials to discuss the impact of offsets on the U.S. economy. To ensure a rigorous discussion encompassing all points of view, the conference included a series of papers outlining the positions of key participants. This resulting volume offers a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the impact of aerospace offsets.

  • Cover
  • Front Matter
  • I. Introduction
  • II. Proceedings: Welcome
  • Symposium Introduction
  • Opening Remarks
  • Panel I: Offsets in Commercial and Military Aerospace: An Overview
  • Panel II: The Policy Context for Military Aerospace Offsets
  • Panel III: The Effect of Offsets, Outsourcing, and Foreign Competition on Output and Employment in the U.S. Aerospace Industry
  • Panel IV: Offsets in the International Marketplace: An Aerospace Industry View
  • Panel V: Dual-Use Supplier Management and Strategic International Sourcing in Aircraft Manufacturing
  • Panel VI: Emerging Challenges and Diverging Interests
  • Panel VII: The Role of the U.S. Government in Setting Offset Policy
  • III. Papers: Offsets in Commercial and Military Aerospace: An Overview
  • The Policy Context for Military Aerospace Offsets
  • The Effects of Offsets, Outsourcing, and Foreign Competition on Output and Employment in the U.S. Aerospace Industry
  • Offsets in the International Marketplace: An Aerospace Industry View
  • Dual-Use Supplier Management and Strategic International Sourcing in Aircraft Manufacturing
  • The Role of the United States Government in Setting Offset Policy
  • IV. Annexes: Defense Industry Offset Association (DIOA) Position on Offset Issues
  • Symposium Participants
  • Selected Bibliography


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