Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the Early Middle Ages

Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the Early Middle Ages

Routes and Myths

In this colorfully illustrated book, Rose Walker surveys Spanish and Portuguese art and architecture from the time of the Roman conquest to the early twelfth century. For generations, scholarly discussions of such art have been complicated by a focus on maps of the pilgrimage roads and images of the Reconquista. Walker contextualizes these aspects by bringing together an exceptionally diverse range of academic studies, including work previously familiar only to Hispanophone audiences. By breaking down chronological, regional, and disciplinary divides that have limited scholarship on the subject for decades, this book enriches the wider English-language literature on early medieval art.
  • Cover
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conventions
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Lie of the Land
    • Art and Architecture Along the Roman Roads
    • The Via Herculea: Iberians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans
    • The Via Augusta and Monumentalizing the Provincial Capitals
    • The Golden Triangle: Astorga, Braga, and Lugo
    • East-West and Mining the Meseta
    • Art along the Roads in the Second and Third Centuries AD
    • Sarcophagi
    • Emperor Diocletian’s Reorganisation
  • 2. Believing and Belonging
    • Late Antiquity and the Wider Mediterranean
    • Theodosius I − a Spanish emperor?
    • Urban Repair and Renewal
    • Christianity becomes Visible
    • Villa Estates
    • Villa Mosaics
    • Christian Mausolea?
    • Funerary Mosaics
    • The Fifth Century
    • Fifth-century Churches
    • Fifth-century sarcophagi
    • The Arrival of the Visigoths
  • 3. The Visigothic Period
    • Fragmentation and Accretion
    • A Mixed Population
    • The Material Record: Metalwork
    • The Material Record: Architecture and Sculpture
    • Visigothic Standing Churches?
  • 4. The Eighth and Ninth Centuries
    • Re-emergence and Invention
    • 711
    • The Early Kingdom of Asturias
    • Early Construction in Córdoba
    • Contact with the Carolingians
    • Building in Oviedo
    • Travelling Across the Peninsula
    • Defensive Building in al-Andalus
    • Church Building in the Early Ninth Century?
    • Christians and the Enlarged Great Mosque of Córdoba
    • Ramiro I and the Vikings
    • Alfonso III and Visions of Victory
  • 5. The Great Tenth Century
    • Al-Andalus
    • The Northern Kingdoms
    • Ramiro II and Córdoba
    • San Miguel de Escalada in new contexts
    • San Juan de los Baños and Santa María de Bamba
    • Mozarabic capitals
    • Burgos, La Rioja and Álava
    • Rosendo and the Northwest
    • Christian Architecture in al-Andalus
    • Catalonia: A Region Apart?
    • Experiments in Figurative Art?
  • 6. Dispersal after the Fall of the Caliphate
    • Art Under ‛Abd al-Malik
    • Art during the fitna
    • The taifa kingdoms
    • Carving in Catalonia
    • Experiments in Building
    • The Kingdom of Pamplona and its Networks
  • 7. Trading Peace, Gold and Expertise, c. 1050-c. 1075
    • Taifa Kingdoms
    • The County of Barcelona
    • Navarre and Barcelona
    • Castile and León Enshrined at San Isidoro
    • Aragón
    • Artistic Experiments Amid the Political Chaos of the 1070s
  • 8. The Making of Romanesque
    • Reform and Synergy
    • Changes to the North-South Nexus
    • Papal Legates and their Networks Across the Northern Kingdoms
    • New Arrivals at Santiago de Compostela from the North and the South
    • San Isidoro de León, the Infanta Urraca, and the Network
    • Husillos: An Artistic Conversation
    • Widening the Network: Sancho Ramírez of Aragón, Queen Felicia, and the New Town of Jaca
    • Multiplying the Links from c. 1095
    • Flat Slab Relief Sculpture
  • Epilogue
  • Chronology 700-1100
  • Bibliography of Cited Sources
  • Index
  • List of Illustrations
    • Figure 1 Mendigorria, opus signinum pavement (Museo de Navarra, Pamplona)
    • Figure 2 Empúries, Sacrifice of Iphigenia, emblema mosaic (Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, Empúries)
    • Figure 3 Mérida, aqueduct in opus mixtum
    • Figure 4 Mérida, sculpture from the Forum, clipeus (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida)
    • Figure 5 Mérida, sculpture from the Forum, marble panel (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida)
    • Figure 6 The Roman gold mines of Las Médulas (El Bierzo)
    • Figure 7 Astorga, fragment of a wall painting (Museo de León)
    • Figure 8 Braga, Fonte de Ídolo
    • Figure 9 Conimbriga, portrait head of Emperor Claudius/Augustus (Museu Monográfico de Conimbriga)
    • Figure 10 Tiermes, aqueduct
    • Figure 11 San Pedro de Alcántara, bridge across the river Tagus
    • Figure 12 Medinaceli, triple arch
    • Figure 13 Itálica, House of Neptune, mosaic
    • Figure 14 Mérida, House of the Mithraeum, cosmological mosaic
    • Figure 15 León, funerary stele (Museo de León)
    • Figure 16 Gerona, Sant Feliu, Hades and Persephone sarcophagus
    • Figure 17 Husillos, Orestes sarcophagus (Museo Arqueológico Nacional)
    • Figure 18 Fabara, temple tomb
    • Figure 19 Covarrubias, Good Shepherd sarcophagus from San Pedro de Arlanza (Colegiata de San Cosme y San Damián)
    • Figure 20 Huesca, San Pedro el Viejo, sarcophagus “of Ramiro II”
    • Figure 21 Córdoba (Alcázar), 'Door of Hades' sarcophagus
    • Figure 22 Tarragona, Roman amphitheatre
    • Figure 23 Gerona, circus mosaic from the villa of Can Paul Pirol (Museu d'Història de la Ciutat, Girona)
    • Figure 24 Gerona (Sant Feliu), Susanna and the Elders sarcophagus
    • Figure 25 Zaragoza (Santa Engracia), sarcophagus with Atlantes
    • Figure 26 Villa of Rabaçal, decorative panel
    • Figure 27 Pedrosa de la Vega, villa of La Olmeda, mosaic with Achilles on Skyros
    • Figure 28 Mérida, villa of "El Hinojal", mosaic of the hunt (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano)
    • Figure 29 Villa of Cardeñajimeno, mosaic of Atalanta (Museo de Burgos)
    • Figure 30 Arróniz, mosaic of the Muses (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 31 Pueblanueva (Toledo) mausoleum
    • Figure 32 Centcelles (Tarragona), villa, detail of dome mosaic
    • Figure 33 Tarragona, funerary mosaic (Museu i Necròpolis Palaecristians, Tarragona)
    • Figure 34 Santisteban del Puerto, mosaic with Achilles on Skyros, (Museo de Jaén)
    • Figure 35 Tarragona, sarcophagus of Leocadius (Museu i Necròpolis Palaecristians, Tarragona)
    • Figure 36 La Bureba sarcophagus, Poza de la Sal (Museo de Burgos)
    • Figure 37 Cloisonné eagle fibulae (Museo de Cáceres)
    • Figure 38 Crown of King Recceswinth (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 39 El Bovalar (Seròs), basilica
    • Figure 40 Pilaster (Museo del arte y la cultura Visigoda, Mérida)
    • Figure 41 Mérida, sculpted niche (Museo del arte y la cultura Visigoda, Mérida)
    • Figure 42 Toledo, sculpted niche (Museo de Santa Cruz, Toledo)
    • Figure 43 Santa Lucía del Trampal (Alcuéscar, Cáceres), exterior
    • Figure 44 San Juan de Baños (Palencia), reused Roman column at the chancel arch
    • Figure 45 Córdoba, arches of the Great Mosque, first phase
    • Figure 46 Mérida, Alcazaba, Entrance
    • Figure 47 Cordoba, arcade of the Great Mosque, second phase
    • Figure 48 Bāb al-Wazurā (Door of St. Stephen). Image courtesy of the Conway Library, The Courtauld Institute of Art
    • Figure 49 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, belvedere
    • Figure 50 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, belvedere, semi-basement
    • Figure 51 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, belvedere, north façade
    • Figure 52 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, belvedere, detail
    • Figure 53 Santa Cristina de Lena, exterior
    • Figure 54 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, San Miguel de Lillo
    • Figure 55 Oviedo, Monte Naranco, San Miguel de Lillo, detail of a base (Museo Arqueológico de Asturias, Oviedo)
    • Figure 56 San Salvador de Valdediós, exterior
    • Figure 57 San Salvador de Valdediós, nave and chancel
    • Figure 58 San Julian de los Prados (Santullano), exterior
    • Figure 59 San Julian de los Prados (Santullano), wall painting
    • Figure 60 Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (Lugo), interior
    • Figure 61 Córdoba, Great Mosque, dome of the maqsura
    • Figure 62 House of Ja’far, Madīnat al-Zahrā (Córdoba)
    • Figure 63 Valladolid Beatus (970), Biblioteca de la Universidad, ms 433, fols. 131v-131
    • Figure 64 León, San Salvador de Palat del Rey, umbrella vault
    • Figure 65 El Bierzo, Valle de Silencio, Santiago de Peñalba
    • Figure 66 Santiago de Peñalba, south doorway
    • Figure 67 San Miguel de Escalada (León), nave arcade
    • Figure 68 San Miguel de Escalada (León), chancel barrier
    • Figure 69 Santa Cristina de Lena (Asturias), chancel screen
    • Figure 70 San Miguel de Escalada (León), frieze, central eastern chapel
    • Figure 71 León, Bible of 920, Biblioteca de la Catedral, Cod. 6, fol. 3v
    • Figure 72 San Juan de Baños (Palencia), nave arcade
    • Figure 73 Santa María de Bamba (Valladolid), capital frieze
    • Figure 74 Sahagún, SS. Facundus and Primitivus (Museo de las Madres Benedictinas, Sahagún), capital
    • Figure 75 San Cebrian de Mazote (Valladolid), capital
    • Figure 76 San Cebrián de Mazote (Valladolid)
    • Figure 77 Santa María de Lebeña (Asturias), capital
    • Figure 78 San Miguel de Celanova (Ourense)
    • Figure 79 San Miguel de Celanova (Ourense), interior spaces
    • Figure 80 São Frutuoso de Montélios (Braga), interior
    • Figure 81 Santa Comba de Bande (Ourense), brick vault
    • Figure 82 Santa Comba de Bande (Ourense), chancel
    • Figure 83 Vascos (Navalmoralejo, Toledo)
    • Figure 84 Santa María de Melque (Toledo), stucco on arch at the crossing
    • Figure 85 Terrassa, Sant Miquel, interior
    • Figure 86 Terrassa, Sant Miquel, wall painting in the apse
    • Figure 87 Córdoba, capital with four musicians (Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba)
    • Figure 88 Córdoba, capital with four evangelists (Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba)
    • Figure 89 Quintanilla de las Viñas, church of Santa María, exterior
    • Figure 90 Quintanilla de las Viñas, church of Santa María, impost
    • Figure 91 San Pedro de la Nave (Zamora), exterior
    • Figure 92 San Pedro de la Nave, chancel, sculpted frieze
    • Figure 93 San Pedro de la Nave, capital at the crossing, Sacrifice of Abraham
    • Figure 94 San Pedro de la Nave, zoomorphic capital at the crossing
    • Figure 95 ‘Pamplona’ Ivory Casket of ‘Abd al-Malik (Museo de Navarra, Pamplona)
    • Figure 96 Marble basin, Granada (Museo de la Alhambra)
    • Figure 97 Toledo, Bāb al-Mūrdum mosque/church of Cristo de la Luz, exterior
    • Figure 98 Berlanga de Duero, San Baudelio, interior
    • Figure 99 Arm of ivory processional cross, San Millán de la Cogolla (Paris, Musée du Louvre)
    • Figure 100 Cuenca, ivory casket, 1026, Santo Domingo de Silos
    • Figure 101 Cuenca, ivory "Palencia" casket, 1049 (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 102 Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines (Pyrénées-Orientales), sculpted marble slab reset as a lintel
    • Figure 103 Saint-André-de-Sorède (Pyrénées-Orientales), sculpted marble altar
    • Figure 104 Saint-Martin-du-Canigou (Pyrénées-Orientales)
    • Figure 105 Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa (Pyrénées-Orientales)
    • Figure 106 Vic Cathedral, crypt
    • Figure 107 Vic Cathedral, crypt, capital
    • Figure 108 Córdoba, Gran Capitán, capital (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 109 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), capital
    • Figure 110 Zaragoza, Aljafería Palace, capital
    • Figure 111 Cardona, Sant Vicenç, crypt
    • Figure 112 Cardona, Sant Vicenç, nave
    • Figure 113 San Millán de la Cogolla, nave arcade
    • Figure 114 Palencia Cathedral, crypt of San Antolín
    • Figure 115 Granada, Zirid baths
    • Figure 116 Taifa textile (Museo Arqueológico de Huesca)
    • Figure 117 San Salvador de Leire (Navarre), crypt
    • Figure 118 San Pelayo casket, León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro
    • Figure 119 Ivory cross of Fernando and Sancha, León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 120 León, ivory "Carrizo" Christ figure, Museo de León
    • Figure 121 San Millán de la Cogolla (Logroño), ivory panel of Engelramus and Redolfus (State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg)
    • Figure 122 León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, stone font (?)
    • Figure 123 Iguácel, church of Santa María, exterior
    • Figure 124 Oviedo Cathedral, Arca Santa
    • Figure 125 Dumio (Braga), São Martinho, cast of sarcophagus (Museu Regional de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Souso)
    • Figure 126 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, Chapel of San Salvador, capital
    • Figure 127 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, ambulatory capital
    • Figure 128 Toledo (Museo de Santa Cruz, Toledo), capital
    • Figure 129 León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, Pantheon, capital
    • Figure 130 León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, Pantheon, capital, Sacrifice of Abraham
    • Figure 131 Saint-Orens sarcophagus (Musée Saint-Raymond, Musée des Antiques de Toulouse)
    • Figure 132 Saint-Orens sarcophagus, Daniel in the Lions' Den (Musée Saint-Raymond, Musée des Antiques de Toulouse)
    • Figure 133 León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, Pantheon, capital, lion hunt
    • Figure 134 San Salvador de Nogal de las Huertas (Palencia), chancel arch, capital
    • Figure 135 Frómista, San Martín, capital, two nude fighters, Cain and Abel (?) (Museo Arqueológico Provincial, Palencia)
    • Figure 136 Frómista, San Martín, capital, lion riders (Museo Arqueológico Provincial, Palencia)
    • Figure 137 Sahagún, SS. Facundus and Primitivus, marble tomb lid of Alfonso Ansúrez (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
    • Figure 138 Loarre castle (Aragón), chrismon carved above lower doorway
    • Figure 139 Diptych (?) of Queen Felicia, Santa Cruz de la Serós (Aragón) (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
    • Figure 140 Jaca cathedral (Aragón), south apse, exterior
    • Figure 141 Loarre castle (Aragón), exterior
    • Figure 142 San Juan de la Peña (Aragón), eastern chapels, interior
    • Figure 143 Carrión de los Condes (Palencia), San Zoilo, west doorway, capital, Balaam and the ass
    • Figure 144 Carrión de los Condes (Palencia), San Zoilo, capital with musicians
    • Figure 145 Jaca cathedral (Aragón), capital, Balaam and the ass
    • Figure 146 Jaca cathedral (Aragón), capital, Sacrifice of Abraham
    • Figure 147 Sant Quirze de Pedret, wall painting, Foolish Virgins (MNAC, Barcelona)
    • Figure 148 Girona ‘tapestry’ (Museo de la Catedral de Girona), Adam Naming the Animals
    • Figure 149 Loarre castle (Aragón), flat slab sculpture above the entrance
    • Figure 150 León, Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, tympanum over south doorway, Portal of the Lamb



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