Making Media

Making Media

Production, Practices, and Professions

  • Author: Deuze, Mark; Prenger, Mirjam
  • Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048540150
  • Place of publication:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Year of digital publication: 2019
  • Month: January
  • Pages: 480
  • Language: English
Making Media uncovers what it means and what it takes to make media, focusing on the lived experience of media professionals within the global media, including rich case studies of the main media industries and professions: television, journalism, social media entertainment, advertising and public relations, digital games, and music. This carefully edited volume features 35 authoritative essays by 53 researchers from 14 countries across 6 continents, all of whom are at the cutting edge of media production studies. The book is particularly designed for use in coursework on media production, media work, media management, and media industries.Specific topics highlighted:the history of media industries and production studies; production studies as a field and a research method; changing business models, economics, and management; global concentration and convergence of media industries and professions; the rise and role of startups and entrepreneurship; freelancing in the digital age; the role of creativity and innovation; the emotional quality of media work; diversity and inequality in the media industries.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • 1. Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions
      • Mark Deuze and Mirjam Prenger
  • Production
    • Research
      • 2. Media Industries: A Decade in Review
        • Jennifer Holt and Alisa Perren
      • 3. Media Production Research and the Challenge of Normativity
        • David Lee and Anna Zoellner
      • 4. Access and Mistrust in Media Industries Research
        • Patrick Vonderau
      • 5. Cultural and Creative Industries and the Political Economy of Communication
        • Bernard Miège
      • 6. The Platformization of Making Media
        • David Nieborg and Thomas Poell (with Mark Deuze)
    • Economics and Management
      • 7. The Disappearing Product and the New Intermediaries
        • Chris Bilton
      • 8. Value Production in Media Industries and Everyday Life
        • Göran Bolin
      • 9. Transformation and Innovation of Media Business Models
        • Mikko Villi and Robert G. Picard
      • 10. Shifts in Consumer Engagement and Media Business Models
        • Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Rang Wang
      • 11. Media Industries’ Management Characteristics and Challenges in a Converging Digital World
        • Paolo Faustino and Eli Noam
    • Policy
      • 12. Global Media Industries and Media Policy
        • Terry Flew and Nicolas Suzor
      • 13. Media Concentration in the Age of the Internet and Mobile Phones
        • Dwayne Winseck
  • Practices
    • Innovation
      • 14. Making (Sense of) Media Innovations
        • Arne H. Krumsvik, Stefania Milan, Niamh Ní Bhroin, and Tanja Storsul
      • 15. Start-up Ecosystems Between Affordance Networks, Symbolic Form, and Cultural Practice
        • Stefan Werning
    • Work conditions
      • 16. Precarity in Media Work
        • Penny O’Donnell and Lawrie Zion
      • 17. Making It in a Freelance World
        • Nicole S. Cohen
      • 18. Diversity and Opportunity in the Media Industries
        • Doris Ruth Eikhof and Stevie Marsden
      • 19. Labour and the Next Internet
        • Vincent Mosco
    • Affective Labour
      • 20. Affective Labour and Media Work
        • Eugenia Siapera
      • 21. Affective Qualities of Creative Labour
        • Zelmarie Cantillon and Sarah Baker
      • 22. A Business of One or Nurturing the Craft: Who are You?
        • Ilana Gershon and Mark Deuze
  • Professions
    • Music
      • 23. Music in Times of Streaming: Transformation and Debate
        • Sofia Johansson
      • 24. Popular Music, Streaming, and Promotional Media: Enduring and Emerging Industrial Logics
        • Leslie M. Meier
    • Television
      • 25. Show Me the Money: How Revenue Strategies Change the Creative Possibilities of Internet-Distributed Television
        • Amanda D. Lotz
      • 26. Flexibility, Innovation, and Precarity in the Television Industry
        • Paul Dwyer
    • Social Media
      • 27. Creator Management in the Social Media Entertainment Industry
        • David Craig
      • 28. #Dreamjob: The Promises and Perils of a Creative Career in Social Media
        • Brooke Erin Duffy
    • Public Relations and Advertising
      • 29. Redefining Advertising in a Changing Media Landscape
        • Sara Rosengren
      • 30. Perceptions and Realities of the Integration of Advertising and Public Relations
        • Dustin Supa
    • Digital Games
      • 31. Game Production Logics at Work: Convergence and Divergence
        • Aphra Kerr
      • 32. Reflections on the Shifts and Swerves of the Global Games Industry
        • Casey O’Donnell
    • Journalism
      • 33. ‘It Never Stops’: The Implicit Norm of Working Long Hours in Entrepreneurial Journalism
        • Amanda Brouwers and Tamara Witschge
      • 34. Transmedia Production: Key Steps in Creating a Storyworld
        • Ana Serrano Tellería (with Mirjam Prenger)
  • Conclusion
    • 35. Making Media: Observations and Futures
      • Henry Jenkins, Elizabeth Saad Corrẽa, Anthony Fung, and Tanja Bosch
    • Author Biographies



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