Needs and Barriers of Prosumerism in the Energy Transition Era

Needs and Barriers of Prosumerism in the Energy Transition Era

  • Author: Ruggeri, Lucia
  • Publisher: Dykinson
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788413773810
  • Place of publication:  Madrid , Spain
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Pages: 218
  • CDU: null

The effective enforcement of energy transition is one of the keys to the successful fight to climate change. The interplay between the sustainable UN Agenda 2030 goals is a new interesting ground for the development of intersectorial and multidisciplinary studies. Thanks to University of Camerino which is focused on the contamination between different scientific areas and really engaged in strengthening international research, a group composed by more than forty researchers of ten different nationalities is studying the energy policies and the new phenomenon of energy prosumerism. This book is the first direct result of the research activities granted by University of Camerino under the Programme FAR 2019 in the ECPE Project ‘Enabling Consumer to become Prosumer in the Energy transition era’ (more details about the project ECPE are available at The object of this book is to collect and analyze the main barriers to self-consumption and prosumerism. Difficult as it is to discuss all obstacles in a single volume, the book focuses on selected barriers which impede the development of new types of fossil free energy production and consuption. The energy communities could play a central role in the implementation of the energy transition strategies, but legal, social, economic, political and cultural barriers can hinder their spread. To analyze the barriers and to find how to eliminate the obstacles to energy transition policies is pivotal to enhance research activities focused on the new EU Regulatory framework. Most in general it is crucial a multidisciplinary approach focused on the fight to climate change and the implementation of sustainable development. In this book are collected several articles which offer a different perspective on the energy transition barriers form different points of view and under different methodologies. The book is composed of four parties. The first one is dedicated to the analysis of the methodology and the results offered by questionnaires supplied online in two languages (Italian/English). The survey is the basis of the Working Paper which is the deliverable of the ECPE Work Programme n. 2 and which constitutes the ground for a discussion into the research group. The second part of the volume collects the contributions focused on the social and economic barriers to prosumerism, while the third one is dedicated to a description of failure cases of self consumption. Lesson learned by failure experiences in the world could favour a good implementation of the new EU Directive Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 ( RED II) and Directive on common, rules for the internal market for electricity 2019/944 ( IEM) in Italy an European Country which is strategic in the Energy policy of the Foreword 1 Mediterranean area. The last part of the book is composed of the visions and perspectives offered by Italian testimonials engaged as actors in the new energy market with different roles. I am grateful for the generous support given by the editorial staff composed by Gopi Battinemi, Roberto Garetto, Federico Pascucci, Giovanni Russo and Karina Zabrodina, precious collaborators and valid researchers. Thanks also to the Scientific Committee which honoured our work: Marine Cornelis, Francisco Lledó Yagüe and Luis E. Quintero. As editor I am sure you will appreciate the volume which would like to offer an insight on new issues and challenges offered by the energy transition era.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Foreword, Lucia Ruggeri
  • Part I: The ECPE Survey
    • The ECPE Questionnaire on Energy Transition, Energy Communities, Prosumerism, and Renewable Energy Directive. Methodological Approach, Roberto Garetto
    • The report related to knowledge and interest in the topics related to the project ‘Enabling Consumer to become Prosumer in Energy Transition Era (ECPE)’, Massimo Sabbieti and Fabrizio Quadrani
    • Ecpe Questionnaire: The Results on a European Perspective, Ivan Allegranti
  • Part II: Energy Market: Social and Economic Issues
    • Adapting the Energy Change: Risks and Opportunities, Gopi Battineni
    • The Future of Energy Based on Responsible, Civil Economics, Catia Eliana Gentilucci
    • The Energy Market in Kazakhstan: The Current State and the Prospects, Meruyert Narenova
    • Energy Consumption and Social Harm: How the Misuse of State Power Creates Inequality and Social Injustice, Baris Cayli Messina
    • Overcoming Energy Poverty through Becoming a Prosumer?, Roberto Garetto
    • Brief Considerations on the Criminal Aspects Connected to the Figure of the Prosumer, with Particular Regard to the Phenomenon of Energy Poverty and the Theft of Electricity, Antonella Merli
    • Pathologies Related to Fuel Poverty Giovanna Ricci, Giulio Mannocchi and Ascanio Sirignano
    • Gig Economy’s Workers and Energy Poverty, Federico Pascucci
    • Barriers and Opportunities of Cultural Heritage in Energy Transition, Mesut Dinler
    • Energy Transition and E-Mobility: A Difficult Combination, Manuela Giobbi and Giovanni Russo
    • Smart Cities and Renewable Energies: Beyond Traditional Boundaries, Claudia Papa
  • Part III: Failure Cases of Self Consumption and Prosumering: Lessons Learned
    • Legislative Policies and Jurisprudence on Climate Change: New Tools for Removing the Barriers to New Forms of Energy Consumption, Lucia Ruggeri
    • Analysis of Energy Policies in the Context of Covid Crisis, Lidia-Lenuta Balan
    • The Cooperative Model Can Clear the Hurdles to Prosumerism, Júlia Martins Rodrigues
    • Tax Barriers to the Spread of Renewable Energy Sources: The Cadastral Income of Wind Farms between Legislative Resiliences and Application Resistances, Salvatore Antonello Parente
    • Unlocking the Renewable Energy Potential of the Inner Areas in Wales and Italy: Challenges and Obstacles for Energy Communities, Silvia Montecchiari and Karina Zabrodina
    • Regionalization of the Italian Legislation on Energy Communities: An Obstacle to Prosumerism, Giuseppina Vella
    • Japan’s Renewable Energy Law at a Turning Point, Junichiro Kusumoto
    • Prospects of Transactive Energy in Colombia in Light of an Innovative Project, Riccardo Perona and Joe Caballero Hernández
    • Transition to Renewable Sources of Energy: Identifying Legal Barriers to Mass Prosuming Consumption in Spain. Early Approach, Challenges and Perspective, Aura Esther Vilalta
  • Part IV: Testimonials
    • Energy Communities of Prosumer as a Solution to Overcome Financial Barriers to Energy Poverty Providing Financial and Non-financial Support, Marina Varvesi
    • Discovering the Potential of Prosumerism Beyond Problems and Obstacles, Stefano Monticelli
    • Community Energies: The New Frontier of the Policy on the Production of Energy, Maria Rosa Conti
    • The Protection of the Energy Consumer: A Difficult Path, Mariastella Diociaiuti



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