Advances in building engineering research

Advances in building engineering research

  • Author: Álvarez Dorado, Manuel; Ferrández Vega, Daniel; Vidales Barriguete, Alejandra (eds.)
  • Publisher: Dykinson
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788410700970
  • Place of publication:  Madrid , Spain
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Pages: 280

The book, ADVANCES IN BUILDING ENGINEERING RESEARCH, has been conceived as a result of the efforts of some of the most relevant researchers in the field of building engineering at a national level. The work, well structured and composed of original research, shows through a didactic approach the current lines of work in which the construction sector in Spain is developing. Nowadays, nobody doubts that we are immersed in a process of change and technological innovation that fully affects the industry, and the construction sector is no stranger to it. Advances in technology and its application to everyday life, the excessive consumption of natural resources and the need to apply circular economy strategies, or the development of new sustainable construction materials, are some of the issues addressed in this book. Thus, in line with European guidelines and the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda, the European Union has established a roadmap that promotes responsible economic growth. It is for this reason that it is essential to address new ways of conceiving building in our country, and for this reason, it has been essential to have various collaborators from renowned Universities and Research Centres that have wanted to be part of this work. Undoubtedly, all the original research presented here deals with the process of innovation in building and is linked to the common paradigm of sustainability. However, despite the complexity of some of the topics covered in this compendium, the authors have tried to unify the criteria of academic rigour and agile and accessible presentation. For this reason, it is understood that this book is suitable both for doctoral students and researchers, as well as for people interested in popularising science with a basic training. This is perhaps the strong point of this work, which has been polished as a result of the criticisms received from all those colleagues who have been kind enough to read the final document and help to improve it. We would also like to thank all the authors who have responded to our call and have kindly contributed their excellent research to the creation of this book. The works that make up the different Chapters have been selected through a blind peer review process and are the result of the wide-ranging concerns and issues that are of concern to building professionals in the year 2024. Last but not least, we would like to thank the Department of Building Technology and especially its Director, Mr. Carlos Morón Fernández, for giving us the opportunity to carry out this initiative by providing us with the necessary means. We hope, with all our intention, to make known the research work that is being carried out in the field of building, with a firm commitment to technological innovation and sustainable development.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Content table
  • Preface
  • Chapter 01. Determination of the flatness of the faces of a printed modular thermoplastic piece, Sandra Moyano Sanz; Mercedes Valiente López; Amparo Verdú Vázquez
  • Chapter 02. Practical proposal for working on the circular economy and corporate social responsibility, Rafael Marcos Sánchez; Daniel Ferrández; Alicia Zaragoza-Benzal; Manuel Álvarez Dorado
  • Chapter 03. Past, Present and future of the mechanisms of the canal de castilla, Ángel Mariano Rodríguez Pérez; Cesar Antonio Rodríguez González; Lucia Olmo Rodríguez; Julio José Caparros Mancera; Jose Antonio Hernández Torres
  • Chapter 04. Monitoring of PM2.5 in residential buildings in northern spain, Alejandro, Payán de Tejada Alonso; José, Fernández Castillo Juan López-Asiain Martínez; Sara, Aragón Chicharro
  • Chapter 05. Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of hydraulic lime mortars with the addition of polypropylene fibers, María Belén Cabrera; María Isabel Prieto; Alfonso Cobo
  • Chapter 06. Discovering artificial neural networks to predict the energy production of photovoltaic plants, Antonio Rivero-Cacho; Manuel Botejara-Antúnez; Jaime González-Domínguez; Gonzalo Sánchez-Barroso
  • Chapter 07. Folding covers for emergency hospital, Carlos César Morales Guzmán
  • Chapter 08. The influence of direct/indirect lighting systems on cognitive response in virtual reality, Nuria Castilla; Juan Luis Higuera-Trujillo; Carmen Llinares
  • Chapter 09. Drones as a tool for taking data on facades, Enrique Parra-Albarracín; Irene Ros-Martín
  • Chapter 10. Production and characterisation of sustainable masonry mortars using circular economy criteria, Manuel Álvarez; Alicia Zaragoza-Benzal; Daniel Ferrández; Alberto Morón Barrios
  • Chapter 11. Creation of hygrothermal scenes, Javier Alberto Vázquez Renedo
  • Chapter 12. Historical evolution of the instability theory development until the 19th century, Álvaro Cobo González
  • Chapter 13. Learning airport design through virtual reality and videogame technologies, Mathias Proboste Martinez; Felipe Muñoz La Rivera; Javier Mora Serrano; María Jesús Bopp
  • Chapter 14. López mezquita and sorolla: Views of new york city, León García López de la Osa; Gregorio García López de la Osa
  • Chapter 15. Synthetic estimation of minimum house costs per square metre of gross floor area: Practical application of the eccum.10 (2023) cost bank to the murcian ‘Barraca’, Pedro Pina Ruíz; Tomás Gil López
  • Chapter 16. Water distribution systems. Problems and differences between mexico and spain, Patricia Aguilera Benito; Juan López-Asiain Martínez; Isabel Bach Buendía
  • Chapter 17. The "Victoria" single-family house: A challenge in search of maximum comfort and energy efficiency, Alejandra Vidales Barriguete; Patricia Aguilera Benito; Carolina Piña Ramirez; Roberto Vidales Barriguete; Victoria Santiago Rasilla
  • Chapter 18. Diagnosis of the sustainability of school performance and development of tools to increase the competences of the educational community, José Alberto Díaz; Silvia Soutullo; Emanuela Giancola; María Nuria Sánchez; Ana Rosa Gamarra; Carmen Lago; Yolanda Lechón; Israel Marqués; Ricardo Chacartegui;, José Antonio Becerra


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