History of the Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences

History of the Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences

  • Author: Martín Albaladejo, Carolina; Galera Gómez, Andrés; Peña de Camus Sáez, Soraya
  • Publisher: Ediciones Doce Calles
  • Serie: Theatrum Naturae
  • ISBN: 9788497444354
  • Place of publication:  Spain
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Pages: 202

The pages of this book offer the reader A different History of the Spanish National Museum of Natural Science. An easy , direct, and entertaining text enhaced by the accompanying images, it is a story of discoveries whose readings flows like a journet throug time.Many events transpired within the four walls of the museum, and many characters played leading roles in this story.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Index
  • The museum and its history
  • A museum with lights and shadows
  • Presentation
  • In the beginning
    • Graellsia isabelae, the Queen’s ‘butterfly’
    • Colección de las producciones de los mares de España by Sáñez Reguart
    • Quadro del Perú, an extraordinary work
    • 1899-1900. Manuel and Fernando Martínez de la Escalera’s Journey to the Middle East
  • At the turn of the 20th century
    • The Okapi
    • Ignacio Bolívar y Urrutia (Madrid, 1850-Mexico, 1944)
    • Our Megatherium
    • Commission for Palaeontological and Prehistoric Research
    • Retrospective Exhibition on Natural History at the Royal Botanical Garden (1929)
    • Sixth International Congress of Entomology (Madrid, 1935)
    • The Spanish Civil War
  • Reorganizing the Museum
    • José Clavijo y Fajardo, Deputy Director of the Royal Cabinet of Natural History and literary figure
    • Establishment of the Spanish Institute of Entomology in 1941
    • Antonio de Zulueta, a pioneer of genetic studies in Spain
  • The future
    • Juan Bautista Bru de Ramón, painter and taxidermist of the Royal Cabinet
    • Colección de láminas que representan los animales y monstruos del RGHN de Madrid con una descripción individual de cada
  • A slow walk towards nowhere
    • October 1973. Visit of the Crown Prince and Princess of Japan
    • Antonio de Ulloa and the Royal House of Geography and Natural History Cabinet
    • The Alpine Biological Station at El Ventorrillo
  • Reforming the Museum
    • A recovered treasure. The van Berkhey Collection
    • The Museum publishes
    • Isabel Izquierdo Moya (Huelva, 1946 Madrid, 2015)
  • A signature museum
    • Two museums, two destinies: the Prado Museum and the National Museum of Natural Sciences
  • As time went on
    • Djehuty Project
    • The Biodiversity exhibition
  • Colophon
  • Directors and headquarters
  • Other stories about the museum



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