In its evaluation, Enhancing Human Performance reviews the relevant materials, describes each technique, makes recommendations in some cases for further scientific research and investigation, and notes applications in military and industrial settings. The techniques address a wide range of goals, from enhancing classroom learning to improving creativity and motor skills.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Part I Overview
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Findings and Conclusions
- 3 Evaluation Issues
- Part II Psychological Techniques
- 4 Learning
- 5 Improving Motor Skills
- 6 Altering Mental States
- 7 Stress Management
- 8 Social Processes
- Part III Parapsychological Techniques
- 9 Paranormal Phenomena
- References
- Appendixes
- A Summary of Techniques: Theory, Research, and Applications
- B Background Papers
- C Committee Activities
- D Key Terms
- E Military Applications of Scientific Information
- F Biographical Sketches
- Index