The nuclear industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) have been working for several years on the development of an adequate process to guide the replacement of aging analog monitoring and control instrumentation in nuclear power plants with modern digital instrumentation without introducing off-setting safety problems. This book identifies criteria for the USNRC's review and acceptance of digital applications in nuclear power plants. It focuses on eight areas: software quality assurance, common-mode software failure potential, systems aspects of digital instrumentation and control technology, human factors and human-machine interfaces, safety and reliability assessment methods, dedication of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software, the case-by-case licensing process, and the adequacy of technical infrastructure.
- Front Matter
- Preface
- Contents
- List of Tables and Figures
- Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Key Issues
- 3 Systems Aspects of Digital Instrumentation and Control Technology
- 4 Software Quality Assurance
- 5 Common-Mode Software Failure Potential
- 6 Safety and Reliability Assessment Methods
- 7 Human Factors and Human-Machine Interfaces
- 8 Dedication of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Hardware and Software
- 9 Case-by-Case Licensing Process
- 10 Adequacy of Technical Infrastructure
- 11 Overview and Summary
- APPENDIX A Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
- APPENDIX B Committee Meetings (Phases 1 and 2)
- APPENDIX C U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing of Digital Instrumentation and Control Technology
- APPENDIX D Development of the Final List of Eight Issues
- APPENDIX E Excerpts from Licensing Regulations
- APPENDIX F Digital Instrumentation and Control System Features
- Glossary