In June 2001 the National Academies and the Russian Academy of Sciences held a bilateral workshop in Moscow on terrorism in a high—technology society and modern methods to prevent and respond to it. The purpose of the workshop was to begin a dialogue on high—impact terrorism that could lead to further U.S.—Russian collaboration. This volume includes papers presented at the workshop by 31 Russian and American experts on various types of high-impact terrorism, including biological and agricultural terrorism, nuclear and electromagnetic terrorism, explosives, chemical, and technological terrorism, and cyber terrorism. The papers also address legal issues, Russian internal affairs, and the future of international cooperation in this area.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Opening Remarks
- The Legal Basis for Counterterrorism Activities in the United States
- Russian Legislation and the Struggle Against Terrorism
- Russian Legislation and the Fight Against Terrorism
- Organized Crime and Terrorism
- International and Domestic Terrorism
- The Role of Internal Affairs Agencies in Efforts to Fight Terrorism Under High-Technology Conditions
- From the Experience of the Intelligence Services of the Russian Empire in Combating Terrorists
- On Historical Experience in Combating Terrorism
- Electromagnetic Terrorism
- Molecular Epidemiology as a New Approach in Detecting Terrorist Use of Infectious Agents
- Bioterrorism: Threat and Response
- Bioterrorism: A View from the Side
- Chemical Terrorism: Assessing Threats and Responses
- Radiological Terrorism
- Nuclear Terrorism
- Could Terrorists Produce Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons?
- Problems Preventing Acts of Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism
- Selected Technologies and Procedures Intended to Restrict Unauthorized Access to Explosives
- Terrorism: Explosives Threat
- Computer Terrorism and Internet Security Issues
- Preventing and Responding to Cybercrime and Terrorism: Some International Dimensions
- Problems of Biological Security in Agriculture
- Agricultural Bioterrorism
- Terrorism in a High-Tech Society: Legal Aspects and Contemporary Methods of Preventing and Countering Terrorist Activity
- Cooperation Among Ministries of Internal Affairs of CIS Member States in the Fight Against Terrorism and Other Manifestations of Extremism
- International Centers as a Basis for Controlling Infectious Disease and Countering Bioterrorism
- Terrorism Future: Tactics, Strategy, and Stealth
- New Opportunities for Bilateral Cooperation
- Concluding Statement
- Appendix A: Goals of Russian Federal Program on Problems of Natural and Technological Security
- Appendix B: Agenda for Workshop on Terrorism in a High-Tech Society and Modern Methods for Prevention and Response, June 4-8, 2001, Moscow, Russia