Each of 32 nonprofit organizations contributing a presentation to the Pan-Organizational Summit on the Science and Engineering Workforce (November 11-12, 2002; The National Academies, Washington, DC) was invited to issue a corresponding position paper to be reproduced in this volume. The bulk of this report comprises these papers. In addition, Shirley Jackson and Joseph Toole, two of the keynote speakers, have included their remarks.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- The U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce: An Unconventional Portrait
- Position Paper on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Position Paper on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Statement on Workforce Issues
- The Physics Educated Workforce
- Foreign Scientists Seen Essential to U.S. Biotechnology
- Academic Prerequisites for Licensure and Professional Practice
- Engineering Education and the Science & Engineering Workforce
- Strengthening Pre-College Science, Math, Engineering and Technology Education: The Technological Literacy and Workforce Imperative
- A National Strategy to Face Vulnerability in Science Engineering and Technology
- Position Paper on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Position Statement
- Building a Pipeline for American Scientists and Engineers
- Position on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Increasing the Supply of Underrepresented Persons of Color in Science and Engineering Occupations
- Position Paper on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Inititative on Precollege Science, Math and Technology, Education In Support of the U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce
- Effects of the Current Economic Downturn on the U.S. Science and Technology Workforce: Long Term Implications
- Trying Times for U.S. Engineers
- The Underrepresentation of Women in Engineering and Related Science: Pursuing Two Complementary Paths to Parity
- NACME, Enginerring, and
- Skills for a 21st Century Workforce: Can We Meet the Challenge?
- Transforming the Academic Workplace: Socializing Underrepresented Minorities into Faculty Life
- Mathematics As a Foundation for a Productive Science and Engineering Workforce
- Utilization of African American Physicists in the Science & Engineering Workforce
- Building a Federal Civil Service for the 21st Century: The Challenge of Attracting Great Talent to Government Service
- Position Statement on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- Is There a Shortage of Scientists and Engineers? How Would We Know?
- Position of the Board of Directors on the U.S. Science & Engineering Workforce
- U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce: Equity and Participation
- WEPAN Position Statement
- Concluding Remarks
- Appendix A: Keynote Speaker Addresses
- Appendix B: Non-Profit Organizations Participating in the Pan-Organizational Summit on the U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce
- Appendix C: Summit Agenda
- Appendix D: National Academies Publications on the Science & Engineering Workforce, Bibliography