Growing concerns about climate change partly as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions has prompted the research community to assess technologies and policies for sequestration. This report contains presentations of a symposium held in April of 2002. The sequestration options range form ocean disposal, terrestrial disposal in geologic formations, biomass based approaches and carbon trading schemes. The report also presents current efforts at enhanced oil recovery using carbon dioxide and demonstrating its utility. The volume is intended only as introduction to the subject and not the final word.
- FrontMatter
- Preface
- Contents
- Introduction
- Global Climate Change and the Anthropogenic Earth--Allenby
- The Century-Scale Problem of Carbon Management--Socolow
- Sequestration in Geologic Formations
- Sequestration via Injection of Carbon Dioxide into the Deep Earth--Orr
- Using Carbon Dioxide to Recover Natural Gas and Oil--Hill
- Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide--Benson
- Sequestration in the Oceans
- Direct Injection of Carbon Dioxide into the Oceans--Brewer
- The Effectiveness and Unintended Consequences of Ocean Fertilization--Caldeira
- Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Using Terrestrial Ecosystems for Carbon Sequestration--Jacobs
- Monitoring Carbon Adsorption in the Terrestrial Ecosphere--Kadyszewski
- Advanced Research and Development and Engineering Processes
- The Forms and Costs of Carbon Sequestration and Capture from Energy Systems--Simbeck
- Public Policy on Carbon Emissions from Fossil Fuels--Hawkins
- Active Climate Stabilization: Practical Physics-Based Approaches to Preventing Climate Change--Hyde, Teller, and Wood
- Nuclear Energy: Large-Scale, Zero-Emissions Technology--Lake
- Economic Issues
- Can Emissions Trading of Carbon Dioxide Bootstrap the Transition?--Walsh
- The Top Ten Things You Should Know about Carbon Sequestration--Herzog
- Appendix
- Color Plates