In October 2003, a group of experts met in Beijing under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Engineering (NAE)/National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies to continue a dialogue and eventually chart a rational course of energy use in China. This collection of papers is intended to introduce the reader to the complicated problems of urban air pollution and energy choices in China.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Introduction--JACK J. FRITZ
- Emerging Air Pollution Trends in China Motor Vehicle Pollution and Fuel Consumption in China--MICHAEL P. WALSH
- Clean Air and the Electrification of Urban Transportation--LUGUANG YAN and XUHUI WEN
- The Characteristics of Urban Air Pollution in China--XIAOYAN TANG
- Rational Options for Clean Energy in Chinese Cities--WEITANG FAN and ZHUFENG YU
- Programs to Control Air Pollution and Acid Rain--SARATH K. GUTTIKUNDA, TODD M. JOHNSON, FENG LIU, and JITENDRA J. SHAH
- Energy and Environmental Impacts of Chinese Rural Vehicles--DANIEL SPERLING and ZHENHONG LIN
- Global Impacts Atmospheric Long-Range Transport of Urban Pollutants--LEONARD LEVIN
- Sampling and Analysis Monitoring and Assessing Particulate Matter--JUDITH C. CHOW and JOHN G. WATSON
- Source Apportionment of Fine-Particle Pollution in Beijing--YUANHANG ZHANG, XIANLEI ZHU, LIMIN ZENG, and WEI WANG
- Radiative Forcing by Anthropogenic Aerosols: Sources and Impacts--MICHAEL H. BERGIN
- The Power Sector Analysis of Emissions, Exposures, and Risks of Toxic Air Emissions from U.S. Coal-Fired and Oil-Fired Power Plants--CHRIS G. WHIPPLE
- Environmental Performance of Coal-Fired Power Plants Financed by the World Bank--JACK J. FRITZ
- Prospects for Distributed Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems in China--LIWEN FENG and YINGSHI WANG
- Power-Sector Energy Consumption and Pollution Control in China--XUCHANG XU, CHANGHE CHEN, HAIYIN QI, DINGKAI LI, CHANGFU YOU, and GUANGMING XIANG
- Development of Clean-Coal Technology--HONGGUANG JIN, RUIXIAN CAI, and BAOQUN WANG
- Institutional Issues Environmental Institutions in China--HUA WANG and CHANGHUA WU
- Public Health Ambient Air Pollution in Shanghai: A Health-Based Assessment--HAIDONG KAN, BINGHENG CHEN, and CHANGHONG CHEN