The United States and China are the top two energy consumers in the world. As a consequence, they are also the top two emitters of numerous air pollutants which have local, regional, and global impacts. Urbanization has led to serious air pollution problems in U.S. and Chinese cities; although U.S. cities continues to face challenges, the lessons they have learned in managing energy use and air quality are relevant to the Chinese experience. This report summarizes current trends, profiles two U.S. and two Chinese cities, and recommends key actions to enable each country to continue to improve urban air quality.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Summary
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Energy Resources
- 3 Air Pollution: Sources, Impacts, and Effects
- 4 Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks
- 5 Energy Intensity and Energy Efficiency
- 6 Coal Combustion and Pollution Control
- 7 Renewable Energy Resources
- 8 The Pittsburgh Experience
- 9 The Huainan Experience
- 10 The Los Angeles Experience
- 11 The Dalian Experience
- 12 Findings and Recommendations
- Appendixes
- Appendix A: Web-Based Resources on Energy and Air Quality
- Appendix B: Alternative Energy Resources
- Appendix C: Summary of PM Source-Apportionment Studies in China
- Appendix D: Energy Conversion