The Writer in the Landscape: Authorial Self-Representation and Literary Form in the Landscape Writings of "Unamuno" and "Azorín".

The Writer in the Landscape: Authorial Self-Representation and Literary Form in the Landscape Writings of "Unamuno" and "Azorín".

The figure of the intellectual emerged in Spain in the second half of the nineteenth century, and Azorín (José Martínez Ruiz) and Miguel de Unamuno explored the critical and creative possibilities of this new role in their writings. This comparative study of these authors? prose writings on landscape focuses on the literary personae of the artist-intellectual that both Azorín and Unamuno cultivated and on their innovative use of the article form. The principal body of the study is dedicated to each author?s extension of the narrative of literary self-creation beyond the boundaries of the novel in the flexible, literary form of the article, Strzeszewski?s reading of these sui generis writings should contribute to a greater appreciation of their innovative character.

  • Cover
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Landscape and the Intellectual in the Early Novels of Unamuno and J. Martinez Ruiz: From Margin to Center
    • Novel Landscapes: Paz en la guerra, La voluntad, and Antonio Azorín
    • The Intellectual and Society in Paz en la guerra and La voluntad
    • Unamuno's intrahistoric landscape
    • Martínez Ruiz and the elusive "other"
    • Narrative subversions in Antonio Azorín
  • Chapter Two: First contact: Landscape as Formative Influence
  • Chapter Three: The Intellectual as Orphan
    • Clemencia
    • La Regenta
    • Miau
    • The orphaned self in Unamuno and Azorín
    • La voluntad
    • Antonio Azorín
    • Las confesiones de un pequeño filósofo
    • Paz en la guerra
    • Nuevo mundo
    • Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad
  • Chapter Four: The Artist-Intellectual on the Road
    • Los pueblos: towards a national prose poetry
    • "La fiesta"
    • "Sarrió"
    • "La novia de Cervantes"
    • "Los toros"
    • "El buen juez"
    • "Una elegía"
    • "Un trasnochador"
    • La ruta de don Quijote
    • Unamuno's paisajes sueltos: a new mode of writing
    • Paisajes
    • Por tierras de Portugal y de España: Portugal
    • Por tierras de Portugal y de España: Spain
    • Andanzas y visiones españolas
    • San Manuel Bueno, mártir
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography