Pediatric Pulmonology

Pediatric Pulmonology

  • Author: Light, Michael J; Blaisdell, Carol J; Homnick, Douglas N.; Schechter, Michael S.; Weinberger, Miles M.
  • Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
  • ISBN: 9781581104929
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781581104936
  • Place of publication:  Illinois , United States
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Year of digital publication: 2011
  • Month: July
  • Pages: 1181
  • Language: English

You'll turn here often for the latest AAP findings and recommenations; assessment and testing how-tos; proven therapeutic strategies; procedures, and techniques; home care and monitoring considerations; and much more.


Powerful problem-solving features in each information-rich chapter include illustrative case reports, key point summaries; and definitions of pulmonary-specific terms. 


Nearly 300 finely detailed images complement the text.


Content highlights:


- Foundation knowledge and know-how - anatomy and physiology; physical examination; pulmonary testing; imaging; bronchoscopy

- Allergic conditions - acute bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; asthma

- Anatomical disorders - congenital anomalies; chest wall and spinal deformities

- Upper airway infections - croup, epiglottitis, and bacterial tracheitis

- Lower airway infections - bronchiectasis; bronchiolitis; community-acquired pneumonia; complications of pneumonia; tuberculosis

- Noninfectious pulmonary disorders - interstitial lung disease; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; pleural effusion; pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum; pulmonary hemorrhage; aspiration

- Miscellaneous pulmonologic issues - lung transplantation; pulmonary disorders associated with obesity; functional respiratory disorders; sleep disorders

- Genetic disorders - cystic fibrosis; primary ciliary dyskinesia

- Lung disease associated with systemic disorders - pulmonary complications of cardiac disease; endocrine disorders; GI disorders; sickle cell disease; immunodeficiency disorders; neuromuscular disorders; cancer

- Treating and managing pulmonary disease - airway clearance techniques; medication delivery; bronchodilators; antibiotics and corticosteroids; oxygen therapy; preventing and treating tobacco dependence; home monitoring; home ventilation

  • Cover Page
  • Copyright 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics - ISBN: 978-1-58110-492-9
  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Section on Pediatric Pulmonology Executive Committee
  • Editorial Board
  • American Academy of Pediatrics Reviewers
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Foundation
    • Chapter 1: Anatomy of the Lung
      • Introduction
      • Embryology of the Lungs
      • Blood Supply
      • Pulmonary Lymphatics
      • Nerve Supply
      • Gross Anatomy of the Lung
      • Mediastinum
      • Intercostal Muscles and Diaphragm
      • Key Points
      • Reference
    • Chapter 2: Pulmonary Physiology
      • Introduction
      • Gas Exchange
      • Ventilation
      • Oxygenation
      • Mechanics of Breathing
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 3: Applied Pulmonary Physiology
      • Excercise Physiology
      • High-Altitude Illness
      • Underwater Medicine
      • Near-Drowning
      • Inhalation Injury
      • Effect of Pregnancy on Pulmonary Function
      • Key Points
      • Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 4: Taking the Pulmonary History
      • Pulmonary History
      • Common Symptoms Related to the Pulmonary System
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 5: The Pulmonary Physical Examination
      • Introduction
      • Upper Airway
      • Eupnea and Dyspnea
      • Lungs and Thorax
      • Additional Examinations
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 6: Pulmonary Function Testing
      • Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
      • Spirometry
      • Reference Values
      • Lung Volumes
      • Carbon Monoxide Diffusing Capacity
      • Exercise Challenge Testing
      • Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
      • Pulse Oximetry
      • Arterial Blood Gas
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 7: Pulmonary Imaging
      • Radiation Exposure in Children
      • Imaging Approach
      • Chest Radiograph Report
      • Reading the Chest Radiograph
      • Reading the CT Scan
      • Imaging for Specific Conditions
      • Mediastinal Masses
      • References
    • Chapter 8: Bronchoscopy
      • Introduction
      • Choosing Between Flexible and Rigid Bronchoscopy
      • Indications for Bronchoscopy
      • Contraindications for Bronchoscopy
      • Pathophysiology and Clincial Features in Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
      • Diagnostic Procedures
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Allergic Conditions
    • Chapter 9: Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
      • Introduction
      • Background
      • Etiology
      • Risk Factors
      • Epidemiology
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Laboratory Studies
      • Diagnostic Criteria
      • Therapy
      • Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 10: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Epidemiology and Etiology
      • Diffferential Diagnosis and Evaluation
      • Treatment and Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 11: Eosinophilic Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Presentation
      • Diagnostic Testing
      • Pathophysiology
      • Treatment
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 12: Asthma
      • Introduction
      • Diagnosis of Asthma
      • Clinical Characterization of Asthma
      • Treatment of Asthma
      • Treating Comorbidities
      • Monitoring the Clinical Course
      • Evaluating and Managing Difficult Asthma
      • Natural History of Asthma
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Anatomical Disorders
    • Chapter 13: Congenital Abnormalities of the Upper Airway
      • Introduction
      • Assessment
      • Congenital Nasal Anomalies
      • Craniofacial Abnormalities
      • Congenital Lesions of the Tongue
      • Congenital Laryngeal Anomalies
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 14: Congenital Lung Anomalies
      • Lung Growth and Development
      • Laryngomalacia
      • Tracheobronchial Abnormalities
      • Tracheosophageal Fistula
      • Pulmonary Agenesis or Hypoplasia
      • Bronchogenic Cysts
      • Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformaton
      • Congenital Lobar Emphysema
      • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
      • Pulmonary Sequestration
      • Vascular Rings
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 15: Chest Wall and Spinal Deformities
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Methods for Assessing Chest Wall Function
      • Structural Abnormalities
      • Muscular Abnormalities
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Upper Airway Infections
    • Chapter 16: Croup, Epiglottitis, and Bacterial Tracheitis
      • Croup
      • Epiglottitis
      • Bacterial Tracheitis
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Lower Airway Infections
    • Chapter 17: Bronchiectasis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Pathophysiology
      • Evaluation
      • Management
      • Prognosis
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 18: Bronchiolitis
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Pathophysiology
      • Natural History
      • Management
      • Prophylaxis
      • Hospitalization
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 19: Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Pathology
      • Etiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Diagnosis
      • Bacterial Causes of Pneumonia
      • Viral Causes of Pneumonia
      • Fungal Causes of Pneumonia
      • Management of CAP
      • Prevention of Pneumonia
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 20: The Complications of Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Parapneumonic Effusion
      • Lung Abscess
      • Necrotizing Pneumonia and Bronchopleural Fistulas
      • Pneumatocele
      • Hyponatremia
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • Recommended Resources
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
    • Chapter 21: Recurrent Pneumonia
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Evaluation of the Child With Recurrent Pneumonia
      • Treatment
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 22: Tuberculosis
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnosis
      • Treatment of Positive TST and Negative Chest Radiograph (Latent TB)
      • Treatment of TB Disease
      • Directly Observed Therapy
      • Prognosis and When to Refer/Admit
      • Control of TB
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 23: Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Etiology
      • Diagnosis of NTM Pulmonary Disease
      • Treating NTM Infections
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
  • Noninfectious Pulmonary Disorders
    • Chapter 24: Atelectasis
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology
      • Etiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Diagnosis
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • References
    • Chapter 25: Rheumatic and Granulomatous Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Rheumatic Diseases
      • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
      • Vasculitic Diseases
      • References
    • Chapter 26: Interstitial Lung Disease
      • Introduction
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnosis
      • Specific Diseases in Infancy
      • Prognosis
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 27: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology
      • Clinical Features
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 28: Pleural Effusion (Nonbacterial)
      • Introduction
      • Transudative Pleural Effusion
      • Exudative Pleural Effusion
      • Hemorrhagic Pleural Effusion
      • Pleural Effusion Associated with Malignancies
      • Chylous Pleural Effusion (Chylothorax)
      • Clinical Presentation
      • Diagnostic Studies
      • Management
      • Thoracentesis
      • Management of Chylous Pleural Effusion
      • Prognosis and When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 29: Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum
      • Pneumothorax
      • Pneumomediastinum
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 30: Pulmonary Hemorrhage
      • Introduction
      • Etiology
      • General Evaluation of a Child With Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Hemoptysis
      • Imaging and Laboratory Evaluation
      • General Management
      • Causes of Hemoptysis
      • Summary
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Other Pulmonologic Issues
    • Chapter 31: Apparent Life-Threatening Events
      • Introduction
      • Diagnosis
      • Evaluation
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • AAP Policy Statements
      • Suggested Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 32: Aspiration (Foreign Body, Food, Chemical)
      • Introduction
      • Airway Foreign Body-Mechanical Obstruction
      • Massive Aspiration
      • Recurrent Small-Volume Aspiration
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 33: Lung Transplantation
      • Introduction
      • Types of Lung Transplantation
      • General Clinical Indications
      • Timing of Referral
      • Selection of Candidates for Transplantation
      • Transplant Candidate Selection Guidelines for Those With Specific Diseases
      • Evaluation of the Donor
      • Post-Transplant Management of the Pediatric Lung Transplant Recipient
      • Survival
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 34: Respiratory Disorders Associated With Obesity
      • Introduction
      • Obesity, Wheezing, and Asthma
      • Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
      • Other Conditions in Which Obesity Affects the Respiratory Tract
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 35: Functional Respiratory Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Habit Cough
      • Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)
      • Hyperventilation
      • Sighing Dyspnea (SD)
      • Functional Aspects of Asthma
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 36: Sleep-Disordered Breathing
      • Introduction
      • Epidemiology of SDB, Primary Snoring, and OSA
      • Diagnosis
      • Medical and Financial Impact of OSAS
      • Sequelae of Primary Snoring
      • Pathophysiology
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • References
  • Genetic Disorders
    • Chapter 37: Cystic Fibrosis
      • Introduction
      • Pathogenesis
      • Clincal Features
      • Management
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 38: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Other Genetic Lung Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Respiratory Defenses
      • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
      • Other Genetic Lung Diseases
      • Pulmonary Complications of Other Congenital Disorders
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 39: Respiratory Considerations in Children With Cardiac Disease
      • Introduction
      • Physiology/Pathophysiology
      • Clinical and Laboratory Findings
      • Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
      • Special Considerations for Children With Congenital Heart Disease
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 40: Lung Disease Associated With Endocrine Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Thyroid Diseases
      • Parathyroid Disorders
      • Pituitary Disorders
      • Diabetes Mellitus
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 41: Pulmonary Complications of Gastrointestinal Diseases
      • Introduction
      • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)
      • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
      • Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
      • Alcohol and Its Effect on Lungs
      • Pulmonary Involvement in Liver Disease
      • Pulmonary Involvement in Pancreatic Disease
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 42: The Pulmonary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
      • Introduction
      • Acute Chest Syndrome
      • Asthma
      • Sleep-Disordered Breathing
      • Sickle-Cell Chronic Lung Disease
      • Pulmonary Hypertension
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 43: Pulmonary Manifestations of Oncologic Disease and Treatment
      • Introduction
      • Thoracic Tumors
      • Airway Tumors
      • Benign Airway Tumors
      • Malignant Airway Tumors
      • Mediastinal Tumors
      • Parenchymal Tumors
      • Chest Wall Tumors
      • Pulmonary Metastatic Lesions
      • Systemic Neoplasms Affecting the Lung
      • Leukemias
      • Lymphomas
      • Pulmonary Complications of Cancer Therapies
      • Pulmonary Complications of Stem Cell Transplantation
      • Chronic Lung Disease After HSCT
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 44: Pulmonary Complications of Immunologic Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Infectious Complications of Immunodeficiency
      • Noninfectious Pulmonary Complications of Immunodeficiency
      • Pulmonary Evaluation of the Patient With Immunodeficiency
      • Treating Pulmonary Complications in Immunodeficient Children
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 45: Pulmonary Complications of Neuromuscular Disorders
      • Introduction
      • Pathophysiology of Respiratory Impairment in Patients With NMDs
      • Clinical Manifestations
      • Evaluation and Anticipatory Guidance
      • Management
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Treating and Managing Pulmonary Disease
    • Chapter 46: Airways Clearance Techniques
      • Introduction
      • Airway Clearance Techniques
      • Upkeep and Cost Considerations
      • Selection of ACT
      • Inhaled Medications and ACT
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 47: Aerosol Delivery of Medication
      • Introduction
      • Aerosol Principles
      • Aerosol Delivery Devices
      • Choosing the Appropriate Delivery Device
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 48: Bronchodilators
      • Introduction
      • Bronchodilator Mechanisms
      • Pathophysiology and Clinical Features of Airway Obstruction
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 49: Antibiotics for Pulmonary Conditions
      • Introduction
      • Choice of Antibiotic and Dosage
      • Classes of Antibiotics
      • Adverse Reactions to Antibiotics
      • Drug Interactions
      • Acknowledgment
    • Chapter 50: Nutritional Aspects of Pulmonary Conditions
      • General Nutritional Evaluation
      • Nutritional Management of Respiratory Conditions Associated With Undernutrition
      • Nutritional Aspects of Respiratory Conditions Associated With Obesity
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 51: Oxygen Therapy
      • Pathophysiology
      • Clinical Features of Hypoxemia
      • Uses of Oxygen Therapy
      • When to Refer
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • Related AAP Policy Statements
      • Useful Web Resources
      • References
    • Chapter 52: Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Active Smoking in Childhood and Adolescence
      • Introduction
      • Prenatal Effects of Maternal Active and SHS Exposure
      • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and SHS Exposure
      • Lower Respiratory Problems and SHS Exposure
      • Otitis Media and SHS Exposure
      • Dental Caries and SHS Exposure
      • Cancer Risk and SHS Exposure
      • Cardiovascular Risk and SHS Exposure
      • Thirdhand Smoke Exposure
      • Screening for SHS Exposure
      • Anticipatory Guidance and SHS Exposure
      • Tobacco Smoking Behavior in Children and Teens
      • Anticipatory Guidance and Smoking Prevention
      • Teens Smoking Cessation and Nicotine Dependence
      • Key Points
      • Related American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statements
      • References
    • Chapter 53: Treating Tobacco Dependence
      • Importance of Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Counseling to Facilitate Smoking Cessation
      • Principles of Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Medications
      • Other Cessation Pharmacotherapy Tips
      • Treating Tobacco Dependence in Adolescents
      • "E-Cigarettes": Unapproved and Inappropriate for Tobacco Dependence Treatment
      • Prevention
      • Key Points
      • Acknowledgment
      • Key Resources
    • Chapter 54: Home Apnea Monitoring
      • Introduction
      • Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation (CHIME) Study
      • Indications for Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • Interpretation of Home Cardiorespiratory Monitor Downloads
      • Ordering Home Cardiorespiratory Monitors
      • Family Education
      • Discontinuing Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
      • When to Refer
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 55: Tracheostomies
      • Introduction
      • Indications for Tracheostomy
      • Surgical Methods
      • Altered Physiology After Tracheostomy
      • Choice of Tube
      • Home Care
      • Routine Evaluation
      • Complications
      • Decannulation
      • Key Points
      • References
    • Chapter 56: Home Ventilation
      • History and Epidemiology of Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • Goals of Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • Causes of Chronic Respiratory Failure
      • Clinical Features of Chronic Respiratory Failure
      • Patient Selection for Home Ventilation
      • Economic and Payment Issues
      • Organizational Issues
      • Modes of Mechanical Ventilation
      • Equipment and Monitoring
      • Long-term Outcomes of Home Mechanical Ventilation
      • When to Admit
      • Key Points
      • References
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J - K - L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q - R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W
    • W - Y - Z
  • Back Cover
    • Selected Content Highlights


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