Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Primary Care

Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Primary Care

  • Author: Riddle, Mark A; Baum, Rebecca A.; dosReis, Susan; Foy, Jane Meschan; Frosch, Emily; Green, Cori; Huffman, Lynne C.; Pruitt, David; Reeves, Gloria M.; Wissow, Lawrence S.
  • Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
  • ISBN: 9781610021999
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781610023122
  • eISBN Epub: 9781610023122
  • Place of publication:  Illinois , United States
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Year of digital publication: 2018
  • Month: November
  • Pages: 248
  • Language: English
Completely updated and revised, the second edition provides primary care physicians with practice-tested, condition-specific treatment recommendations for various childhood mental disorders. Obtain clear guidance on dosing, monitoring, and potential adverse reactions of psychotropic medications for treatment of common psychiatric disorders and mental health or behavioral problems in children and adolescents.
This simple, systematic approach defines discrete levels of psychotropics and spells out group-specific roles and responsibilities in accord with AAP policies. Plus, an included digital tool offers instant access to authoritative answers on specific conditions and medications.
  • Conceptual framework for prescribing psychotropic drugs
  • Medications for specific diagnoses: ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression
  • US Food and Drug Administration-Approved antipsychotics and mood stabilizers and all other medications
  • What to do when treatment is unsuccessful
  • Introduction
    • What Is This Book?
    • Selected Updates in Second Edition
    • Target Audience
    • Why Now?
    • Basic Principles
    • What About the Future?
    • References
  • Part 1—Conceptual Framework
    • 1. Conceptual Framework for Prescribing Psychotropic Medications
      • Rationale for the Conceptual Framework
      • Group 1 Medications for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression
      • Group 2 Medications
      • Group 3 Medications
      • References
  • Part 2—Practical Guidance
    • 2. The Psychosocial Assessment in Primary Care
      • Start With Inquiry About Normative Developmental Trajectory
      • Triage for Psychiatric and Social Emergencies
      • Emphasize Function
      • Assess Sleep Pattern
      • Identify Environmental Stressors
      • Screen for Substance Use
      • Differentiate New Problems From Exacerbation of Old or Chronic Problems
      • Inquire About Prior Evaluations and Prior and Current Treatments
      • Provide Initial Primary Care Intervention for Problems That Are Not Disorders
      • Provide Extended Evaluations and Interim Check-ins, if Needed
      • Preparing the Practice
      • References
    • 3. Assessment of Disorders, Formulation, and Feedback
      • Overview
      • Assessment
      • Determine if Medication Is Indicated
      • Recognize Need for Referral
      • Formulation
      • Feedback
      • References
    • 4. Before Prescribing
      • Nonmedication Interventions
      • Informed Consent
      • Specific Consent Issues
      • Off-label Prescribing
      • US Food and Drug Administration Boxed Warnings
      • Important Considerations for Safe and Effective Prescribing
      • References
  • Part 3—Group 1 Medications for Specific Diagnoses: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression
    • 5. Group 1 Medications for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
      • General Guidance
      • Methylphenidate
      • Amphetamine
      • Guanfacine
      • Clonidine
      • Atomoxetine
      • Summary
      • References
    • 6. Group 1 Medications for Anxiety and Depression
      • General Guidance
      • Group 1 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
      • Group 1 Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor: Duloxetine
      • Summary
      • References
  • Part 4—Group 2 (FDA-Approved Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers) and Group 3 (All Other) Medications
    • 7. Group 2 Medications: Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers
      • Rationale
      • Antipsychotics
      • The Mood Stabilizer Lithium
      • Summary
      • References
    • 8. Group 3 Medications
      • Other Antidepressants
      • Other Antipsychotics
      • Other Mood Stabilizers
      • Anxiolytics
      • Sleep Aids
      • Future Considerations
      • References
  • Part 5—Advanced Topics
    • Appendixes
    • A. Assessment and Symptom Monitoring Tools
    • B. Resources for Clinicians
    • C. Training Resources for Clinicians
    • D. Quality Ratings for Psychotherapies and Efficacy Data for Medications
    • E. Resources for Caregivers
    • F. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Complete Criteria of Select Diagnoses
    • 9. What to Do When Treatment Is Not Successful
      • Understand the Limits of Evidence-Based Treatments and Protocols
      • Reassess Diagnoses
      • Reassess Psychosocial Risks and Protective Factors
      • Reevaluate Psychotherapies
      • Reconsider Medication
      • Discontinuing Group 1 Medications
      • Switching Group 1 Medications
      • When to Consider Group 2 Antipsychotics or Lithium
      • When to Consider Group 3 Medications Without FDA Approval for Use in Youth
      • When to Consider Drug Levels or Genetic Testing
      • Can Genotyping Improve Medication Response?
      • When to Consider Consultation or a Second Opinion
      • When to Consider Referral for All or Part of the Patient’s Ongoing Behavioral Health Care
      • References
  • Index


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