The Best American Magazine Writing 2015

The Best American Magazine Writing 2015

  • Author: Holt, Sid; Editors, The American Society of Magazine; Ratliff, Evan
  • Publisher: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231169592
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231540711
  • Place of publication:  New York , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2015
  • Month: December
  • Language: English

This year's Best American Magazine Writing features articles on politics, culture, sports, sex, race, celebrity, and more. Selections include Ta-Nehisi Coates's intensely debated "The Case For Reparations" (The Atlantic) and Monica Lewinsky's reflections on the public-humiliation complex and how the rules of the game have (and have not) changed (Vanity Fair). Amanda Hess recounts her chilling encounter with Internet sexual harassment (Pacific Standard) and John Jeremiah Sullivan shares his investigation into one of American music's greatest mysteries (New York Times Magazine).

The anthology also presents Rebecca Traister's acerbic musings on gender politics (The New Republic) and Jerry Saltz's fearless art criticism (New York). James Verini reconstructs an eccentric love affair against the slow deterioration of Afghanistan in the twentieth century (The Atavist); Roger Angell offers affecting yet humorous reflections on life at ninety-three (The New Yorker); Tiffany Stanley recounts her poignant experience caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's (National Journal); and Jonathan Van Meter takes an entertaining look at fashion's obsession with being a social-media somebody (Vogue). Brian Phillips describes his surreal adventures in the world of Japanese ritual and culture (Grantland), and Emily Yoffe reveals the unforeseen casualties in the effort to address the college rape crisis (Slate). The collection concludes with a work of fiction by Donald Antrim, exploring the geography of loss. (The New Yorker).

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction, by Evan Ratliff, editor of The Atavist
  • Acknowledgments, by Sid Holt, chief executive, American Society of Magazine Editors
  • The Case for Reparations, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • Women Aren’t Welcome Here, by Amanda Hess
  • The College Rape Overcorrection, by Emily Yoffe
  • When Michael Dunn Compared Himself to a Rape Victim, He Was Following an Old, Racist Script and I Don’t Care If You Like It and The Slenderman Stabbing Shows Girls Will Be Girls, Too, by Rebecca Traister
  • Shame and Survival, by Monica Lewinsky
  • Inside the Iron Closet: What It’s Like to Be Gay in Putin’s Russia, by Jeff Sharlet
  • Love and Ruin, by James Verini
  • The Ballad of Geeshie and Elvie, by John Jeremiah Sullivan
  • The Truth About Chicago’s Crime Rates, by David Bernstein and Noah Isackson
  • The Sea of Crises, by Brian Phillips
  • Creator and Destroyer of Worlds and Post-Macho God: Matisse’s Cut-Outs Are World-Historically Gorgeous, by Jerry Saltz
  • Follow Me: Kate Upton Leads the Charge of Models Who’ve Gone Crazy for Social Media, by Jonathan Van Meter
  • Jackie’s Goodbye, by Tiffany Stanley
  • This Old Man, by Roger Angell
  • The Emerald Light in the Air, by Donald Antrim
  • Permissions
  • List of Contributors


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