Type 42 destroyer Southampton

Type 42 destroyer Southampton

  • Autor: Mulder, Jantinus
  • Editor: Amsterdam University Press
  • Col·lecció: Lanasta - Warship
  • ISBN: 9789086161997
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789464562880
  • Lloc de publicació:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Any de publicació digital: 2023
  • Mes: Agost
  • Pàgines: 57
  • Idioma: Anglés
The primary role of the Type 42 destroyers was providing air defense for the fleet. With their long-range sensors, the ships could also act as radar pickets, sailing ahead of a task group. HMS Southampton was the eighth ship originally destined to be a 16-ship class – two of these ships have been exported to Argentina. The type 42 comprised eight Batch 1 vessels, four Batch 2 and four Batch 3 Stretched Type 42.
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