Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective

Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective

  • Auteur: Thompson, Eric; Gillen, Jamie; Digby Rigg, Jonathan
  • Éditeur: Amsterdam University Press
  • Collection: Transforming Asia
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048540204
  • Lieu de publication:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Année de publication électronique: 2019
  • Mois : Octobre
  • Pages: 352
  • Langue: Anglais
Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective provides the first multicountry, inter-disciplinary analysis of the single most important social and economic formation in the Asian countryside: the smallholder. Based on ten core country chapters, the volume describes and explains the persistence, transformations, functioning and future of the smallholder and smallholdings across East and Southeast Asia. As well as providing a source book for scholars working on agrarian change in the region, it also engages with a number of key current areas of debate, including: the nature and direction of the agrarian transition in Asia, and its distinctiveness vis à vis transitions in the global North; the persistence of the smallholder notwithstanding deep and rapid structural change; and the question of the efficiency and productivity of smallholder-based farming set against concerns over global and national food security.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Introduction: Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective
    • Eric C. Thompson, Jonathan Rigg, and Jamie Gillen
  • 1. Cambodia: Political Strife and Problematic Land Tenure
    • Chivoin Peou and Sokphea Young
  • 2. Indonesia: Whither Involution, Demographics, and Development?
    • Holi Bina Wijaya
  • 3. Japan: Government Interventions and Part-time Family Farming
    • Gen Shoji, Kunimitsu Yoshida, and Satoshi Yokoyama
  • 4. Laos: Responding to Pressures and Opportunities
    • Outhai Soukkhy and Robert Cole
  • 5. Malaysia: The State of/in Village Agriculture
    • Ibrahim Ngah and Khairul Hisyam Kamarudin
  • 6. The Philippines: Fragmented Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Vulnerable Livelihoods
    • Edo Andriesse
  • 7. Singapore: Making Space for Farming
    • Sakunika Wewalaarachchi and Eric C. Thompson
  • 8. Taiwan: Toward the Revitalization of Smallholder Agriculture
    • Po-Yi Hung
  • 9. Thailand: The Political Economy of Post-Peasant Agriculture
    • Tubtim Tubtim
  • 10. Vietnam: From Socialist Transformation to Reform
    • Nguyen Tuan Anh
  • Index
  • List of Maps, Figures and Tables
    • Maps
      • Map 1.1 Areas of rice cultivation in Cambodia
      • Map 6.1 Regional Distribution of Number and Average Size of Landholdings
      • Map 6.2 Regional distribution of four important crops: palay (rice), corn, banana, and coconut
      • Map 8.1 Distribution of Farmland in Taiwan
    • Figures
      • Figure 2.1 Percentage comparison of agriculture landholding in 2013
      • Figure 2.2 Comparison of smallholders between Java and other islands 2013
      • Figure 2.3 The Percentages Landholding Sizes Changes in Java
      • Figure 2.4 Agriculture land in Indonesia 1961-2013
      • Figure 4.1 Tending food crops for a nearby urban market
      • Figure 4.2 Teak planted on degraded upland
      • Figure 4.3 Women gather wood on former village land , which has been developed as a Chinese-owned cement factory
      • Figure 4.4 Students of Laos’ Northern Agriculture and Forestry College threshing rice
      • Figure 9.1 Proportion of land holdings wholly owned by size of farm between years 1963 and 2013
      • Figure 9.2 Number of holding for five main crops 2013
      • Figure 9.3 Planted area of five main crops 2013
      • Figure 9.4 Farm value of five main crops gained by farmers 2013
      • Figure 9.5 Value of the five main crops in baht per rai calculated from harvested area 2013
    • Tables
      • Table 2.1 Public funding transfer to village in medium term (IDR trillions, unless otherwise indicated)
      • Table 3.1 Working hours of the rice smallholder
      • Table 3.2 Composition of income according to area of paddy eld
      • Table 4.1 Comparison of 1998/99 and 2010/11 Agricultural Census Results
      • Table 4.2 Number of farm households by province, 1998/99 and 2010/11
      • Table 4.3 Rice area, yield, and output in Laos by season and region, 2015
      • Table 5.1 Planted areas of main crops in Malaysia according to types of holding 2006-2012
      • Table 5.2 Number and size of smallholder’s land parcels, 2002 (hectares)
      • Table 5.3 Smallholders development programme of RISDA/BRI 1952-2010
      • Table 5.4 Types of subsidy schemes for rice cultivation
      • Table 6.1 Acreage and value of top seven major crops in the Philippines (‘000 hectares; PhP millions)
      • Table 6.2 Value of animal production and seaweeds (PhP millions)
      • Table 6.3 Trade in agriculture, fisheries, and aquaculture (USD millions)
      • Table 6.4 Tenure security in Lantapan
      • Table 6.5 Evolution of household types, East Laguna Village
      • Table 6.6 Growing seaweed in Guimaras province
      • Table 7.1 Manpower data by farm employee type from 1970 to 2004
      • Table 7.2 Singapore’s food production in 1982 and 2017
      • Table 8.1 Number of smallholders in Taiwan
      • Table 9.1 Definitions of the smallholder
      • Table 9.2 Number and area of agricultural landholdings by region, 2013 (NSO)
      • Table 9.3 Number of holdings reporting owned land, area of owned land, and type of land document and region, 2013
      • Table 9.4 Number of holdings by land tenure and total area of holding, 2013
      • Table 9.5 Population size and number of farmers in 1993, 2003, and 2013
      • Table 9.6 Number of smallholder household members by sex and age group from 1993-2013
      • Table 9.7 Area of holding by land use (2003-2013)
      • Table 10.1 Agricultural land as of 31 December 2015 (hectares)
      • Table 10.2 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery households in 2011 and 2016
      • Table 10.3 Average land area per person in rural northern Vietnam before and after land reform (m2/person)
      • Table 10.4 Agricultural yield and food per person from 1976 to 1980


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