This work aborded teaching innovation with ICT like augmented reality, digital gamification, so on. Teachers from different matters like EFL, Economics, Social Education, and Primary Education improve their teaching process with expertise and creativity. As coordinators, we have count with expert authors worldwide in their field of work about this first title.
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Index
- Chapter 1: Active participation and commitment in the teaching of social sciences: towards a research teaching profile, emilio josé delgado-algarra, césar bernal-bravo, carmen burgos videla.
- Chapter 2: Documentary review as a didactic experience for social education students: developing autonomous work in times of covid19, carlos fernández gonzález, marta medina garcía, antonio luque de la rosa.
- Chapter 3: Augmented reality: innovation for educational classrooms, david blas padilla, alicia jaén martínez, josé manuel martín miguez y eloy lópez meneses.
- Chapter 4: Feedback in virtual times: a challenge when teaching efl writing, irene ibacache calderón , deisy campos galdames.
- Chapter 5: Creativity and innovation in artistic teaching: application of digital resources, mariana daniela gonzález zamar.
- Chapter 6: Digital education and circular economy in university contexts. A systematic review, emilio abad segura.
- Chapter 7: Gamification application on primary education: escape room, m.a elena parra-gonzález, adrián segura-robles, jesús lópez-belmonte , samuel crespo- ramos.
- Chapter 8: Augmented reality game-based learning and children's literature: innovative proposals for infant education, m. Esther del moral pérez, m. Rosario neira-piñeiro.
- Chapter 9: Use of digital game in inclusive education: a systematic review, Marta montenegro rueda, josé fernández cerero.