Insights on teacher’s lesson plans for enhancing effective communication skills

Insights on teacher’s lesson plans for enhancing effective communication skills

Cases in English language teacher training, development and practicum

  • Auteur: Hawthorne Johnson, Doris Gertrudis; Smith Batson, María de la Caridad; Gamboa Graus, Michel Enrique
  • Éditeur: Editorial Tecnocientífica Americana
  • Collection: Ciencias sociales
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780311000319
  • Lieu de publication:  United States
  • Année de publication: 2022
  • Pages: 49

Language learning has become an urgent problem to which many solutions flourish day by day; it is also a social need, English, in a specific manner has been recognized as one of the most popular languages at world scale, and it is the vehicle people use for communication in many summits; there are other important languages for many, but life in practice has made its learning massive. In the present XXI century, scientific-technical development and, person and cultural exchange, have marked this learning and teaching in a meaningful way, it is then, a good reason for concentrating in better styles to train teachers-to-be and make their training meaningful for their future performance, which is the end of their pedagogic education. On the other hand, teacher development also claims for a refreshment of techniques, methods of procedures for language teaching and learning, unveiled by the vision of the many possible opportunities at our fingertips, through the use a massive media and other resources.

  • Cover
  • Copyright page
  • Prologue
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The functions, tasks and social role of the English language teacher
    • 1.1. Some theoretical elements of the components of the foreign language teaching-learning process: Training students in the teacher education program how to teach
      • 1.1.1. Perceptions of Foreign Language Teaching Didactic. New trends
      • 1.1.2. Insights into Foreign Language Teaching: Creating lesson plans
    • 1.2. The lesson plan: Content integration in the Foreign Language Teaching Didactic discipline
    • Conclusions for the chapter
  • Chapter 2: the contemporary English lesson: teachers’ creativity
    • 2.1. Insights of a system of lessons to attain effective communication skills. Examples
    • 2.2. Inside the lesson plan: the insight perspective of Foreign Language Teaching Didactic: presentation, explanation, practice activities and tests in the English language classroom
    • Conclusions for the chapter
  • Chapter 3. Methodological aspects
    • 3.1. Scientific sample studied
    • 3.2. Scientific procedures implemented
    • 3.3. Analysis of the results, suggestions for teachers' initial training and for the English language classroom in Junior High
  • Conclusions
  • References


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