This book reviews the research pertaining to nutrient requirements for working in cold or in high-altitude environments and states recommendations regarding the application of this information to military operational rations. It addresses whether, aside from increased energy demands, cold or high-altitude environments elicit an increased demand or requirement for specific nutrients, and whether performance in cold or high-altitude environments can be enhanced by the provision of increased amounts of specific nutrients.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- I: Committee Summary and Recommendations
- 1 A Review of the Physiology and Nutrition in Cold and in High-Altitude Environments
- 2 Committee on Military Nutrition Research Recommendations and Conclusions
- II: Background and Introduction to theTopic
- 3 Cold Weather and High-Altitude Nutrition: Overview of the Issues
- 4 Leadership Insights for Military Operations in Cold Weather and at High Altitudes
- 5 Cold-Weather Field Feeding: Military Rations
- 6 Feeding the US Army Sixth Infantry Division (Light) in the Cold
- Part II Discussion
- III: The Cold Environment
- 7 The Physiology of Cold Exposure
- 8 Military Schedules vs. Biological Clocks
- 9 Influence of Cold Stress on Human Fluid Balance
- 10 Muscle Metabolism and Shivering During Cold Stress
- 11 Macronutrient Requirements for Work in Cold Environments
- 12 Cold Exposure, Appetite, and Energy Balance
- 13 Effects of Cold and altitude on Vitamin and Mineral Requirements
- 14 Micronutrient Deficiency States and Thermoregulation in the Cold
- 15 Drug-Induced Delay of Hypothermia
- Part III Discussion
- IV: The High-Terrestrial Environment
- 16 The Physiology of High-Altitude Exposure
- 17 Physical Performance at High Altitudes
- 18 Fluid Metabolism at High Altitudes
- 19 Maintenance of Body Weight at High Altitudes: In Search of 500 kcal/day
- 20 Energy and Macronutrient Requirements for work at High Altitudes
- 21 Oxidative Stress at High Altitudes and Effects of Vitamin E
- Part IV Discussion
- V: Performance in Cold and in High-Altitude Environments
- 22 Effets of Altitue on Cognitive Performance and Mood States
- 23 Food Components and Other Treatments That May Enhance Mental Performance at High Altitudes and in the Cold
- General Discussion
- Appendixes
- A: Environmental Stress Management at High Altitudes by Adaptogens, summary of unpublished manuscript
- B: Biographical Sketches
- C: Abbreviations
- D: Factors Related to Nutritional Needs in Cold and in High-Altitude Environments- A Selected Bibliography
- Index