The U.S. Army's chemical stockpile is aging and gradually deteriorating. Its elimination has public, political, and environmental ramifications. The U.S. Department of Defense has designated the Department of the Army as the executive agent responsible for the safe, timely, and effective elimination of the chemical stockpile. This book provides recommendations on the direction the Army should take in pursuing and completing its Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- The uNitary Chemical Agent and Munitions Stockpile
- Fundamentals of Disposal
- Selection Criteria
- The Present Baseline System
- Comparisons of the Baseline System and Alternative Technologies
- Findings and Recommendations
- Appendix A: Public Law 102-484--Oct. 23, 1992 (Extract)
- Appendix B: Public Forum
- Appendix C: Use of Activated Carbon Adsorption Systems for Exhaust Gas Cleaning
- Appendix D: Supercritical Water Oxidation and Wet Air Oxidation
- Appendix E: Neutralization (Chemical Hydrolosis)
- Appendix F: Update on the Status of Biological Processes
- Appendix G: Biographical Sketches
- References and Bibliography