The Argumentative Turn Revisited

The Argumentative Turn Revisited

Public Policy as Communicative Practice

  • Autor: Fischer, Frank; Gottweis, Herbert
  • Editor: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822352457
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822395362
  • Lugar de publicación:  Durham , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación digital: 2012
  • Mes: Junio
  • Páginas: 400
  • DDC: 320.6
  • Idioma: Ingles
Rejecting the notion that policy analysis and planning are value-free technical endeavors, an argumentative approach takes into account the ways that policy is affected by other factors, including culture, discourse, and emotion. The contributors to this new collection consider how far argumentative policy analysis has come during the past two decades and how its theories continue to be refined through engagement with current thinking in social theory and with the real-life challenges facing contemporary policy makers.

The approach speaks in particular to the limits of rationalistic, technoscientific policy making in the complex, unpredictable world of the early twenty-first century. These limits have been starkly illustrated by responses to events such as the environmental crisis, the near collapse of the world economy, and the disaster at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Addressing topics including deliberative democracy, collaborative planning, new media, rhetoric, policy frames, and transformative learning, the essays shed new light on the ways that policy is communicatively created, conveyed, understood, and implemented. Taken together, they show argumentative policy inquiry to be an urgently needed approach to policy analysis and planning.

Contributors. Giovanni Attili, Hubertus Buchstein, Stephen Coleman, John S. Dryzek, Frank Fischer, Herbert Gottweis, Steven Griggs, Mary Hawkesworth, Patsy Healey, Carolyn M. Hendriks, David Howarth, Dirk Jörke, Alan Mandell, Leonie Sandercock, Vivien A. Schmidt, Sanford F. Schram

  • Contents
  • Introduction: The Argumentative Turn Revisited - Frank Fischer and Herbert Gottweis
  • Part I. Deliberative Policy Argumentation and Public Participation
    • 1. Fostering Deliberation in the Forum and Beyond - John S. Dryzek and Carolyn M. Hendriks
    • 2. Performing Place Governance Collaboratively: Planning as a Communicative Process - Patsy Healey
  • Part II. Discursive Politics and Argumentative Practices: Institutions and Frames
    • 3. Discursive Institutionalism: Scope, Dynamics, and Philosophical Underpinnings - Vivien A. Schmidt
    • 4. From Policy Frames to Discursive Politics: Feminist Approaches to Development Policy and Planning in an Era of Globalization - Mary Hawkesworth
  • Part III. Policy Argumentation on the Internet and in Film
    • 5. The Internet as a Space for Policy Deliberation - Stephen Coleman
    • 6. Multimedia and Urban Narratives in the Planning Process: Film as Policy Inquiry and Dialogue Catalyst - Leonie Sandercock and Giovanni Attili
  • Part IV. Policy Rhetoric, Argumentation, and Semiotics
    • 7. Political Rhetoric and Stem Cell Policy in the United States: Embodiments, Scenographies, and Emotions - Herbert Gottweis
    • 8. The Deep Semiotic Structure of Deservingness: Discourse and Identity in Welfare Policy - Sanford F. Schram
  • Part V. Policy Argumentation in Critical Theory and Practice: Communicative Logics and Policy Learning
    • 9. The Argumentative Turn toward Deliberative Democracy: Habermas’s Contribution and the Foucauldian Critique - Hubertus Buchstein and Dirk Jörke
    • 10. Poststructuralist Policy Analysis: Discourse, Hegemony, and Critical Explanation - David Howarth and Steven Griggs
    • 11. Transformative Learning in Planning and Policy Deliberation: Probing Social Meaning and Tacit Assumptions - Frank Fischer and Alan Mandell
  • Contributors
  • Index


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