The Caregiver's Tale

The Caregiver's Tale

Loss and Renewal in Memoirs of Family Life

  • Auteur: Burack-Weiss, Ann
  • Éditeur: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231121583
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231510776
  • Lieu de publication:  New York , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2006
  • Mois : Mars
  • Langue: Anglais

Ann Burack-Weiss explores a rich variety of published memoirs by authors who cared for ill or disabled family members. Contrary to the common belief that caregiving is nothing more than a stressful situation to be endured, memoirs describe a life transforming experience-self-discovery, a reordering of one's priorities, and a changed view of the world. The Caregiver's Tale offers insight and comfort to individuals caring for a loved one and is a valuable resource for all health care professionals.

Identifying common themes, Burack-Weiss describes how the illness career and social meaning of cancer, dementia, HIV/AIDS, mental illness, and chemical dependence affect the caregiving experience. She applies the same method to an examination of family roles: parents caring for ailing children, couples and siblings caring for one another, and adult children caring for aging parents.

Jamaica Kincaid, Sue Miller, Paul Monette, Kenzaburo Oë, and Philip Roth are among the many authors who share their caregiving stories. Burack-Weiss provides an annotated bibliography of the more than one hundred memoirs and an accompanying chart to help readers locate those of greatest interest to them.

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Crystallized Love
  • Part 1 Care Situations
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Chapter 2 Cancer
  • Chapter 3 Dementia
  • Chapter 4 HIV/AIDS
  • Chapter 5 Mental Illness/Chemical Dependence
  • Part 2 Care Relationships
  • Chapter 6 Introduction
  • Chapter 7 Child Care
  • Chapter 8 Sibling Care
  • Chapter 9 Couple Care
  • Chapter 10 Parent Care
  • Part 3 The Memoirs
  • Chapter 11 Introduction
  • Chapter 12 Memoirs in Brief
  • Chapter 13 Epilogue
  • Appendix 1 The Memoirs
  • Notes
  • Sources Cited
  • Index


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