Queer Theory and the Jewish Question

Queer Theory and the Jewish Question

The essays in this volume boldly map the historically resonant intersections between Jewishness and queerness, between homophobia and anti-Semitism, and between queer theory and theorizations of Jewishness. With important essays by such well-known figures in queer and gender studies as Judith Butler, Daniel Boyarin, Marjorie Garber, Michael Moon, and Eve Sedgwick, this book is not so much interested in revealing—outing—"queer Jews" as it is in exploring the complex social arrangements and processes through which modern Jewish and homosexual identities emerged as traces of each other during the last two hundred years.
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Strange Bedfellows: An Introduction
  • Category Crises: The Way of the Cross and the Jewish Star
  • Epistemology of the Closet
  • Queers Are Like Jews, Aren’t They? Analogy and Alliance Politics
  • Freud, Blüher, and the Secessio Inversa: Männerbünde, Homosexuality, and Freud’s Theory of Cultural Formation
  • Jew Boys, Queer Boys: Rhetorics of Antisemitism and Homophobia in the Trial of Nathan “Babe” Leopold Jr. and Richard “Dickie” Loeb
  • Viva la Diva Citizenship: Post-Zionism and Gay Rights
  • Homophobia and the Postcoloniality of the “Jewish Science”
  • Messianism, Machismo, and “Marranism”: The Case of Abraham Miguel Cardoso
  • The Ghost of Queer Loves Past: Ansky’s “Dybbuk” and the Sexual Transformation of Ashkenaz
  • Barbra’s “Funny Girl” Body
  • Tragedy and Trash: Yiddish Theater and Queer Theater, Henry James, Charles Ludlam, Ethyl Eichelberger
  • You Go, Figure; or, The Rape of a Trope in the “Prioress’s Tale”
  • Dickens’s Queer “Jew” and Anglo-Christian Identity Politics: The Contradictions of Victorian Family Values
  • Coming Out of the Jewish Closet with Marcel Proust
  • Queer Margins: Cocteau, La Belle et la bête, and the Jewish Differend
  • Reflections on Germany
  • Contributors
  • Index


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